Normalizing flows for density estimation with built-in support for sampling.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Normalizing flows for density estimation with built-in support for sampling.

This repo provides an interface for creating normalizing flows. It hosts two modules, NF and BAM.

The NF module provides a basic interface for normalizing flows, and defines some transformations like rotation, permutation, etc. NF transformations can be stacked to create more complex NF transformations. A NF transformation can be converted to a generative model that can be trained to model an unknown target distribution and sample from it. See RealNVP_test.ipynb for an example of how the NF module can be used to implement the RealNVP architecture from the paper "Density estimation using Real NVP" (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1605.08803.pdf).

The BAM module provides a basic interface for blockwise autoregressive monotonic transformations, and defines some of those (most notably the BAM.Linear, which is the basic building block for the B-NAF architecture from the paper "Block Neural Autoregressive Flow" (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.04676.pdf)). Individual BAM transformations can be stacked/concatenated/summed to create more complex transformations. Similar to the NF module, the BAM module can easily be extended by custom transformations. A BAM transformation can be converted to a NF transformation. B-NAF_test.py provides an example of how the BAM module can be used to create a custom normalizing flow.

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This repo was inspired by

Suggestions for improvement are welcome.


To use NF and BAM modules:

  • PyTorch version 1.3.0 or above

To run the RealNVP_test.ipynb and B-NAF_test.py examples:

  • CUDA support
  • scikit-learn
  • matplotlib