
Hospital App

Primary LanguagePython

Hospital App

Django + MongoDB

Installation (Docker):

  • go inside docker/compose folder
  • run docker-compose up (or docker-compose up -d to start in background)
  • connect from browser http://localhost:8013/

Installation (Development):

  • go inside docker/compose folder
  • run docker-compose up mongodb (or docker-compose up -d mongodb to start in background)
  • after this to start MongoDB you should just type docker-compose start mongodb
  • create virtualenv with Python3 and install requirements:
- to have pytone's ver 2.7 (as default)
- pip install virtualenv-wrapper
- pip instal virtualenv
- to have python 3.6
mkvirtualenv --python=python3.6 hospital_app
- go inside `hospital_app'` folder
pip install -r requirements/development.txt
  • run migrations and compile static
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py collectstatic --no-input
python manage.py compilemessages -l ru
  • run development server python manage.py runserver 8000
  • connect from browser http://localhost:8000/