This guide will help you get started to setup the project using Docker, and keep using it as part of your development process.
The first thing you need to do before start is to install Docker
and docker-compose
If Docker was successfully installed, you should be good to go.
To run the app you have to run the following commands:
% docker-compose run --rm web bundle
And once the process is done, you can simply lift the server:
% docker-compose up -d
That command will lift the server which you should be able to see on the browser by going to:
It may take a while before you see anything, you can follow the logs of the containers with:
% docker-compose logs
Once you see an output like this:
Creating tecsite_web_1
Attaching to tecsite_web_1
web_1 | /usr/local/bundle/gems/middleman-livereload-3.4.6/lib/middleman-livereload/reactor.rb:14: warning: toplevel constant Mutex referenced by Thread::Mutex
web_1 | == The Middleman is loading
web_1 | == LiveReload accepting connections from ws://
web_1 | == View your site at ""
web_1 | == Inspect your site configuration at ""
In order to simulate the website for the production environment, to prevent unnecessary pushes we provide a container with a deployment-like configuration, to run it just:
% docker-compose up --build production
Then just navigate to http://localhost:4040 and you should be good to go.
You must stop and lift the container with the previous command for each change.
To stop de application you can just run the following command:
% docker-compose stop