- 3
SshCommand.Execute deadlock
#1506 opened by valeriob - 0
Add interface for SshCommand
#1507 opened by EugenVeracity - 5
Any plan for key exchange RSA-based?
#1472 opened by valben-melair - 3
- 5
SftpClient.ConnectAsync hangs
#1411 opened by timurposhva - 2
Add interface to SshClient
#1486 opened by cindyzwang - 4
StreamReader on ShellStream runs into a lock
#1485 opened by cjung95 - 5
- 2
- 4
SFTP: "client not connected" after server closed connection
#1474 opened by mus65 - 0
Investigate using BouncyCastle for bcrypt
#1482 opened by Rob-Hague - 0
Add support for RFC 8308 Extension Negotiation
#1481 opened by Rob-Hague - 1
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
#1422 opened by Sandeepsardeck - 3
- 1
- 2
Azure Container App - Mounted Private Key - Permission denied (publickey)
#1479 opened by matt-lethargic - 1
DeleteFileAsync permission denied but works with other client with same credentials
#1477 opened by AndersMalmgren - 6
- 2
TimeOut in Connect on iOS
#1476 opened by TomQv - 0
SftpClient: Stale file handle
#1466 opened by blackwindowtech - 2
ED25519 key - Client encryption algorithm not found
#1464 opened by lc1337 - 3
stream.SetLength() not truncating file
#1454 opened by degosoft - 1
we have a requirement to enable the following ciphers (,,
#1356 opened by Abishek-dev-github - 1
Send CTRL+S over ShellStream
#1446 opened by maurodx - 2
SftpClient upload file doesn't work in UWP and Console applications.
#1420 opened by don-pironet-hatch - 1
#1440 opened by Xtgdominated - 0
#1439 opened by Xtgdominated - 3
Support creating shell without PTY
#1418 opened by scott-xu - 0
Typo: SftpFileSytemInformation
#1424 opened by IzoVT - 0
Missing async methods.
#1415 opened by itsWindows11 - 14
Able to Connect but Unable to Execute command
#1368 opened by emilycanas - 2
Update from 2020.0.2 to 2024.0.0, could not load System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve
#1396 opened by HAVASxMARCOUxOLIVIER - 2
Timeout not followed when connecting via SOCKS
#1335 opened by BoronBGP - 4
- 2
RSA Cipher Encrypt method may truncate leading byte from created Signature, if that byte is 00, causing server validation failure
#1388 opened by FreekSchoenmakersBuckaroo - 2
SftpClient: how to resume upload/download? I.e. process SFTP command 'reput' & 'reget'
#1391 opened by sensboston - 2
Q. Any chance this would work from a web-assembly app?
#1389 opened by kuiperzone - 4
Multifactor SSH Client
#1390 opened by abeeme - 1
[SECURITY] Fedora 19 Update: bugzilla-4.2.11-1.fc19
#1384 opened by Dlyftservies - 0
updates at
#1385 opened by Dlyftservies - 2
#1386 opened by Dlyftservies - 2
Support for RSA 4096-bit modulus?
#1381 opened by cciprianobas - 1
Unable to connect or GCM
#1374 opened by safeerk - 2
How to use command line option
#1359 opened by sw-atparagon - 0
#1355 opened by iWeaverMan - 2
State of SSH.NET Extension
#1348 opened by darinkes - 2
Session operation has timed out
#1350 opened by AkshayDeeti123 - 1
- 5
can we make a SSH DLL
#1346 opened by the-french-rooki - 0
How to symlink a file in the same directory
#1336 opened by axelgenus