
Local setup for demonstration.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Deployment Setup

The setup is split into to three configuration scenarios, whereas each scenario has a dedicated directory with the same name. The directory structure is as follows:

  • jenkins_ci: setup for Jenkins CI
  • nginx: setup and configuration for the webserver (i.e. nginx)
  • dev: deployment setup for local development
  • staging: deployment setup for staging environment
  • prod: deployment setup used in production

Each deployment setup is composed of infrastructure componententes and the actual Microservices. A utility script with the name run*.sh can be found in the directories of each setup.

Top Level Components:

  • Nginx is used a reverse proxy for each component.

    • Configuration: nginx/docker-compose.yml
    • Nginx Configuration: nginx/nginx.conf
    • Manual Deployment: fab deploy logs -H <username>@<host> (fabricate
  • Jenkins is used for continous integration.

    • Configuration: jenkins_ci/docker-compose.yml
    • Docker File: jenkins_ci/Dockerfile

Productive Deployment

  • Location: prod

In general the Platform is split into two different kind of components (1) infrastructure components (directory infra) and (2) microservice components (directory services).

Infrastructure Components

These componentes are part of the virtual network with the name nimbleinfraprod_default. More information can be found bey executing docker network inspect nimbleinfraprod_default on the Docker host.

General Infrastructure

  • Marmotta
    • Configuration: prod/infra/docker-compose-marmotta.yml
    • Container Name: nimbleinfraprod_marmotta_1
  • Keycloak
    • Configuration: prod/keycloak/docker-compose-prod.yml
    • Container Name: nimbleinfraprod_keycloak_1
  • ELK Stack
    • Configuration: prod/elk-prod/docker-compose-elk.yml
    • Container Names: nimbleinfraprod_kibana_1, nimbleinfraprod_elasticsearch_1, nimbleinfraprod_logstash_1

Microservice Infrastructure

Defintion can be found in prod/services/docker-compose-prod.yml, which consists of the following components:

  • Config Server:

    • ServiceID: config-server
    • Container Name: nimbleinfraprod_config-server_1
  • Service Discovery:

    • ServiceID: service-discovery
    • Container Name: nimbleinfraprod_service-discovery_1
  • Gateway Proxy:

    • ServiceID: gateway-proxy
    • Container Name: nimbleinfraprod_gateway-proxy_1
  • Hystrix Dashboard (not used at the moment)

    • ServiceID: hystrix-dashboard

Microservice Components:

Definition and configuration of the deployment can be found in prod/services/docker-compose-prod.yml and defines the follwing services:

  • Identity Service
    • ServiceID: identity-service
    • Container Name: nimbleservicesprod_identity-service_1
  • Business Process Service
    • ServiceID: business-process-service
    • Container Name: nimbleservicesprod_business-process-service_1
  • Catalog Service
    • ServiceID: catalog-service-srdc
    • Container Name: nimbleservicesprod_catalog-service-srdc_1
  • Frontend Service
    • ServiceID: frontend-service
    • Container Name: nimbleservicesprod_frontend-service_1
  • Frontend Service Sidecar
    • ServiceID: frontend-service-sidecar
    • Container Name: nimbleservicesprod_frontend-service-sidecar_1

Configuration is done via environment variables, which are define in prod/services/env_vars. Secrets are stored in prod/services/env_vars-prod (this file is adapted on the hosting machine).

Utility Script

A small utility script can be found in run-prod.sh, which provides the following functionalies:

  • run-prod.sh infra: starts all infrastructure components
  • run-prod.sh keycloak: starts the Keycloak container
  • run-prod.sh marmotta: starts the Marmotta container
  • run-prod.sh elk: start all ELK components
  • run-prod.sh services: starts all serivces (note: make sure the infastructue is set up appropriately)
  • run-prod.sh infra-logs: print logs of all microservice components to stdout
  • run-prod.sh services-logs: print logs of all services to stdout
  • run-prod.sh restart-single <serviceID>: restart a single service

Staging Deployment

  • Location: staging

not yet active

(Local) Docker Development Deployment

This section provides detailed information on how to set up a local development deployment using Docker. Required files are located in the dev directory.

  • cd dev

Recommended System Requirements (for Docker)

  • 16GB Memory
  • 4 CPUs

Minimum System Requirements (for Docker)

  • 10GB Memory / 2 CPUs

A utility script called run-dev.sh provides the following main commands:

  • run-dev.sh infrastructure: starts all microservice infrastructure components
  • run-dev.sh services: starts all nimble core services (note: make sure the infrastructue is running appropriately before)
  • run-dev.sh start: starts infrastructure and services (not recommended at the first time)
  • run-dev.sh stop: stop all services

It is recommended to start the infrastructure and the services in separate terminals for easier debugging.

Starting microservice infrastructure

./run-dev.sh infrastructure: log output will be shown in the terminal

Before continuing to start services, check the infrastructure components as follows:

  • docker ps should show 7 new containers up and running:
$ docker ps --format 'table {{.Names}}\t{{.Ports}}'
NAMES                             PORTS
nimbleinfra_keycloak_1  >8080/tcp,>8443/tcp
nimbleinfra_kafka_1     >9092/tcp
nimbleinfra_keycloak-db_1         5432/tcp
nimbleinfra_zookeeper_1           2888/tcp,>2181/tcp, 3888/tcp
nimbleinfra_maildev_1             25/tcp,>80/tcp
nimbleinfra_solr_1      >8983/tcp

In case of port binding errors, the shown default port mappings can be adapted to local system requirements in infra/docker-compose.yml.

The infrastructure services can be tested by the following http-requests:

Starting the NIMBLE core services

./run-dev.sh services: log output will be shown in the terminal

  • docker ps should show additional 16 containers up and running
$ docker ps --format 'table {{.Names}}\t{{.Ports}}'
NAMES                                          PORTS
nimbleservices_identity-service_1    >9096/tcp
nimbleservices_trust-service_1                 9096/tcp,>9098/tcp
nimbleservices_marmotta_1            >8080/tcp
nimbleservices_ubl-db_1              >5432/tcp
nimbleservices_camunda-db_1          >5432/tcp
nimbleservices_identity-service-db_1 >5432/tcp
nimbleservices_frontend-service_1    >8080/tcp
nimbleservices_trust-service-db_1              5432/tcp
nimbleservices_marmotta-db_1         >5432/tcp
nimbleservices_category-db_1                   5432/tcp
nimbleservices_sync-db_1                       5432/tcp
nimbleservices_binary-content-db_1   >5432/tcp
nimbleservices_indexing-service_1    >8080/tcp

Port mappings can be adapted in services/docker-compose.yml.

Once the services are up, they should show up in the EUREKA Service Discovrery. Depending on available resources this will take a while.

If they are all up, they can be tested via the NIMBLE frontend at:


Deployment Diagram

Deployment Diagram Production