- 1
Make it possible to configure connection timeout
#94 opened by morco - 2
Fails to connect to Ubuntu 22
#92 opened by arjangch - 4
- 2
GroovyObject NoClassDefFoundError
#91 opened by imoutsatsos - 0
Exception when password is ommitted
#88 opened by aalmiray - 0
Add remoteFile.append method
#61 opened by kshtsk - 0
Implement ANSI color coding for the output
#31 opened by aadamovich - 2
- 0
Maven download fails using Grape
#90 opened by manuel-garcia-movile - 1
- 1
SshDslEngine should expose a way to disconnect the delegate if options.reuseConnection is true
#77 opened by rhuffman - 2
remoteSession can't return values anymore
#79 opened by longwa - 1
Failed to grab @Grab('com.aestasit.infrastructure.sshoogr:sshoogr:0.9.25')
#80 opened by alexey-terentiev - 0
- 2
Add pronunciation of sshoogr
#85 opened by zrks - 4
Execute remote shell script in file
#67 opened by acsadam0404 - 0
- 1
Preserve sessions
#76 opened by zbubric - 0
- 2
Support multiple tunnels on single SSH session
#55 opened by dai0304 - 1
start server and keep running
#78 opened by ross-oreto - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
Extend the build to pack and release also sshoogr distribution (main app with all the libs)
#42 opened by aadamovich - 2
Implement sshoogr main app that will be capable of running *.sshoogr scripts
#40 opened by aadamovich - 2
- 2
outputFile and appendFile options do not work
#37 opened by aadamovich - 0
The reuseConnection option is broken
#62 opened by kshtsk - 2
Can't get keyFile working
#65 opened - 1
- 8
Propagation of options is broken
#47 opened by danbeaulieu - 0
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 2
Allow exec.command to take a GString (or things that can be coerced to a String)
#56 opened by valdisrigdon - 1
remoteFile() without file path fails with confusing exception: Either scp source (from) or target (into) is of unkown type!
#53 opened by aadamovich - 2
- 1
Validate named arguments
#51 opened by ddimtirov - 0
- 0
- 4
- 1
Implement ok() and fail() methods that silently execute remote commands and return true or false depending on exit code
#39 opened by aadamovich - 4
multi threading issue
#36 opened by zetan503 - 1
- 1
small typo in
#34 opened by bartoleo - 3
- 0
- 0