
Express server with bunch of simple apis for authorizing and manipulating google speradsheets data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Express server with bunch of simple apis for authorizing and manipulating google speradsheets data.


All API's use headers for autorization: HEADERS['client_id'] and HEADERS['client_secret'] - developer keys, that could be got here ("Enable the Google Sheets API" button) HEADERS['token'] - stringified token from api /auth/step2

GET /auth/step1

This API returns url, where after allowing app to use your google account you'll be given code for the second authourization API


Property Description
HEADERS['client_id'] client id developer key
HEADERS['client_secret'] client secret developer key



GET /auth/step2


Property Description
HEADERS['client_id'] client id developer key
HEADERS['client_secret'] client secret developer key
QUERY['code'] code from the previous step


  "access_token": "somestring",
  "refresh_token": "somestring",
  "scope": "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/spreadsheets",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expiry_date": 1572100000000

POST /table/get

Wrapper of spreadsheets.values.get method


Property Description
HEADERS['client_id'] client id developer key
HEADERS['client_secret'] client secret developer key
HEADERS['token'] Stringified token from /auth/step2
BODY['spreadsheetId'] id of desired sheet (from doc url)
BODY['sheetTab'] name of desired sheet tab
BODY['range'] desired range (ex: "A1:B3")


values property from ValueRange

  ["Name", "Age"],
  ["Aaron", "15"],
  ["Andrew", "20"]

POST /table/update

Wrapper of spreadsheets.values.update method


Property Description
HEADERS['client_id'] client id developer key
HEADERS['client_secret'] client secret developer key
HEADERS['token'] Stringified token from /auth/step2
BODY['spreadsheetId'] id of desired sheet (from doc url)
BODY['sheetTab'] name of desired sheet tab
BODY['range'] desired range (ex: "A1:B3")
BODY['values'] updated values (formatted like response in /table/get)