Build and deploy a sample .Net Core application in IBM Cloud

  1. Install Docker on your development machine.

  2. Install kubectl

  3. Sign-up for an IBM Cloud account, or login to your existing account.

  4. Create a new IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service (IKS) Free or Standard cluster with Ubuntu worker nodes, or use an existing cluster.

  5. Install IBM Cloud CLI

  6. Log into your IBM Cloud account using ibmcloud CLI

$ ibmcloud login
  1. Install IBM Cloud Container Regsitry plugin
$ ibmcloud plugin install container-registry -r 'IBM Cloud'
  1. Log into IBM Cloud Container Registry
$ ibmcloud cr login
  1. Create a new container registry namespace
$ ibmcloud cr namespace-add dotnet
  1. Install IBM Cloud Kubernetes service plugin
$ ibmcloud plugin install container-service -r 'IBM Cloud'
  1. Initialize IBM Cloud Kubernetes service plugin
$ ibmcloud ks init
  1. Download IKS cluster config and set kubectl context
$ eval $(ibmcloud ks cluster-config <your-iks-cluster-name> | tail -2 | head -1)
  1. Verify kubectl is set to use your IKS cluster
$ kubectl config current-context
Upload .Net Core app container image to IBM Container Registry (ICR)

Get .Net Core application sample code from a public git repo. Create a Dockerfile to build the container image using the sample application files and upload the image to IBM Container Registry. Finally, to validate run a Pod in IKS cluster using the container image hosted on ICR.

  1. Download sample code
$ git clone
$ cd dotnet-docker/samples/dotnetapp
  1. This dotnetapp sample includes various Dockerfiles to build container images for different platforms. Modify Dockerfile to use bionic tag to build a container image to run on Ubuntu 18.04 worker nodes.
$ sed 's/:2.2/:2.2-bionic/g' Dockerfile > Dockerfile.bionic
  1. Build container image
$ docker build --pull -t dotnetapp:bionic -f Dockerfile.bionic .
  1. Validate the container image works
$ docker run --rm -it dotnetapp:bionic Hello .NET Core from Bionic
  1. Tag and upload container image to IBM Cloud Container Registry
$ docker tag dotnetapp:bionic
$ docker push
  1. Validate container image hosted on IBM Cloud Container Registry works
$ docker run --rm -it Hello .NET Core from Bionic
Run .Net Core sample app in IKS using image in ICR

Using kubectl run a new pod created from the container image uploaded to ICR. Terminate the pod after execution is complete.

$ kubectl run -it dotnetcoreapp --rm --generator=run-pod/v1 -- Hello from .Net Core on bionic 2>/dev/null

This demonstrates that a .Net Core application can run successfully in IBM Cloud.