
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository implements a simple controller for watching Foo resources as defined with a CustomResourceDefinition (CRD).

Note: go-get or vendor this package as k8s.io/sample.

Fetch with godep

When NOT using go 1.11 modules, you can use the following commands.

go get -d k8s.io/sample
cd $GOPATH/src/k8s.io/sample
godep restore

When using go 1.11 modules

When using go 1.11 modules (GO111MODULE=on), issue the following commands --- starting in whatever working directory you like.

git clone https://github.com/ssider/sample.git
cd sample/cmd

Note, however, that if you intend to generate code then you will also need the code-generator repo to exist in an old-style location. One easy way to do this is to use the command go mod vendor to create and populate the vendor directory.

A Note on kubernetes/kubernetes

If you are developing Kubernetes according to https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/guide/github-workflow.md then you already have a copy of this demo in kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/sample-controller and its dependencies --- including the code generator --- are in usable locations (valid for all Go versions).


This is an example of how to build a kube-like controller with a single type.


Prerequisite: Since the sample-controller uses apps/v1 deployments, the Kubernetes cluster version should be greater than 1.9.

# assumes you have a working kubeconfig, not required if operating in-cluster
go build -o sample .
./sample -kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/config

# create a CustomResourceDefinition
kubectl create -f deploy/examples/sample.io_foos.yaml

# create a custom resource of type Foo
kubectl create -f deploy/examples/cr.yaml

# check deployments created through the custom resource
kubectl get deployments