Lab objective:

  • Create a Ubuntu server running nginx with static home page with a custom greeting in EC2 behind a LB.
  • This should be done with a single command and you should be able to run the command repeatably.


  • You could do it with boto3 or the aws cli, but that seems like a lot of effort for poor return.
  • The text book correct way is to use terraform or cloudformation to create the resources in a proper IaC.
    • I'm not familiar with CF so terraform is the logical choice.
    • Terraform is mentioned so it's the obvious correct choice.
  • Honestly this seems like I could take an example terraform, change the ami, change the payload, and call it a day.
  • It would be more interesting and relevant would be to do this eks in fargate
  • Honestly it would be cheaper, and better in every way to just use S3 for the static page, but obviously this is a stand in for a more complex payload.


Boring Terraform:

  • create vpc
  • create public and private subnets
  • create EC2 ASG of Ubuntu with userdata installing nginx, and html. (Scale via CPU?)
  • create Load Balancer

Fun, but non conforming:

  • build docker file with ubuntu nginx and html
  • upload docker image
  • create eks fargate cluster
  • create deployment with docker and hpa