
Parser for a toy ml-like functional language

Primary LanguageOCaml

Parser for ml-like functional language


This is a parser for a toy ml-like functional language, see examples/ for sample programs.


  • Only integer and boolean literals supported
  • A program is a series of let statements, separated by in
  • Binary expressions supported (>, <, ==, >=, <=)
  • Arithmetic operations supported (+, -, /, *)
  • If expressions supported (if-then-else only)
  • Fun expressions (one parameter, multiple via curry examples/curry.fl)
  • Function applications (one parameter, multiple via curry examples/curry.fl)
  • Fst/Snd expressions
  • Inl/Inr expressions
  • Match expressions (see examples/match.fl)

Compile and run

# Make sure you have ocamllex, ocamlyacc installed
./main <input-file>