
PowerShell WinForm script for the online video game PokeMMO. Automatically track encounters (Horde, Safari, etc.) and manually track when you receive Eggs or Fossils. Utilizes ImageMagick and OCR technology.

Primary LanguageBatchfile


Archetype Counter is a PowerShell WinForm script for the online video game PokeMMO.

Automatically tracks encounters (Horde, Safari, etc.) and when you receive Eggs or Fossils.

Does not hook into the PokeMMO or javaw process. Utilizes ImageMagick and OCR technology.

Useful for shiny hunting or metrics lovers. Feel like exploring? Give our client theme a try.

Requires Windows 10+



🚀 Prompts to open the PokeMMO client if its not currently running

📝 10 hunt profiles and 3 count slots, includes 7 additional non-focused slots

🎨 Includes x2 themes (Archetype & Default) and x5 sprite sets, supports up to x3 custom themes

🗳️ Built-in backup system / manually amend counts, automatic restore if hunt profiles corrupt



🍃 Regular/Horde encounters

🦥 Safari encounters

🔥 Alpha encounters

🌟 Shiny encounters

🐣 When receiving Eggs

🦣 When receiving Fossils



🖥️ Multi-monitor support

🔍 Multi-interface support

📚 Full Multi-language support (Including CJK)






Counter must be in counting mode (ON) before receiving Eggs / Fossils or when encounters begin

Tracking occurs via battle monster nameplates, OCR will not process properly if there is anything blocking them

String ids which contain text such as "{user} recieved Eggs / Fossils" cannot be removed from the game entirely



1. Extract into PokeMMO\data\mods

Alternatively, clone into PokeMMO\data\mods using GitHub Desktop or Git, pull to receive updates

2. Run the Archetype Counter.lnk, pin to the taskbar if needed (After you run at least once)

Ensure you run the Archetype Counter.lnk shortcut once before pinning to taskbar or any other location

Do not pin the Counter from the taskbar while it's running, otherwise it will pin the Powershell terminal instead



1. From the Counter menu navigate to Settings → Uninstall Archetype Counter

All Counter files and theme modifications are subseqently removed automatically


Main Navigation

Right-click window title area to access the Counter menu

Right-click empty slot to manually set monster via dex number

Right-click to decrease count, left-click to increase count (Tracked Pokémon & total count)

Middle-click (scroll wheel) to manually set count

Hover over monster sprite to display dex number and name


Counter Menu Navigation

Options will appear "grayed out" and cannot be modified while the Counter is in counting mode (ON) or (BUSY)

Theme Selector

Choose Counter themes (Archetype, Default) + 3 Custom theme options (Create your own theme)

Sprite Selector

Choose between several different monster sprite sets (Default, 3DS, Gen 8, Home, Shuffle)

Detection Selector

Choose the amount of monsters to track at one given time (1 to 3) - In Expanded Mode

Reset selector

Clear seen monsters from specific slots, extra slots, Egg/Fossil count and current hunt profile

Counter Mode

Choose between Expanded (Encounter), Expanded (Egg), Expanded (Fossil), Collapsed (Encounter), Collapsed (Egg), or Collapsed (Fossil)

Picture Mode

Choose between two screenshot methods for the Counter to utilize, PrintWindow function (Default) and PrintScreen (Alternative)

Chinese Mode

Choose between No Override, Chinese Simplified, or Chinese Traditional to support Chinese strings ('No Override' means Chinese Mode is not utilized)

Extra Pokémon Slots

Displays the last 7 previously encountered monsters (Displays all 10 slots in collapsed mode)

Hunt Profiles

Choose between 10 hunt profiles for current hunt

Rename Hunt Profiles

Change the name of hunt profiles


Save the Counter in its current state to avoid possible lost config data, daily backup is automatic


Seek assistance or report a bug


Close PokeMMO: PokeMMO will close down when you exit counter

Counter Screen Position: Allows you to lock the counters current position on screen to prevent accidental movement

Always on Top: Set whether the Counter retains priority over the PokeMMO window or not

Beep Count Sound: Set system sound effect when a pokémon is tracked by counter

Manual Pixel Search: Ability to switch to a precise mode if auto pixel searching fails (Last possible effort)

AC Uninstaller: Uninstall Archetype Counter and its dependencies

Total Current Counts

Displays the count(s) from counter and total count between all seen monsters


Open 'DEBUG' folder: Opens the general counter folder to help diagnose issues in the format of .png screenshots and a DEBUG_OCR_OUTPUT.txt file

Open 'Failed Scan' folder: Opens the debug counter folder that is specific to failed scans (This helps reduce pinpoint specific issues) - in the format of screenshots and a DEBUG_OCR_OUTPUT.txt file

Open 'Core' folder: Opens the Core folder where automatic screenshots are taken and when failing to activate the counter during battles (When fundamentally something is wrong)

Open 'Name Fix' File folder: Opens the text file that allows you the user to manipulate the OCR scanned output by correcting the bad name with the correct name



How does the Counter work?

OCR and several other utilities are used to scan screenshots of monster names and compares them against a list

Monster nameplates processed using images passed through ImageMagick formula by realmadrid1809 + additional logic cleanup in PowerShell

Utilities scripted with PowerShell 5.1 by AnonymousPoke

Does the counter work on Linux, MacOS or mobile?

Unfortunately no - the Counter utilizes built in Windows OCR (OCR, Powershell, etc.) + Tesseract OCR & ImageMagick

Does this work with custom PokeMMO client themes?

Yes, it will work with all custom themes, but the monster nameplate text will be modified to be OCR compatible

Client theme.xml, font values and graphical assets (AC folder) are inserted into the currently installed theme list

How do I make custom Counter theme?

Open the counter menu and navigate to -> Theme Selector -> "Open Theme Folder" and modify the .png images accordingly

Modifying the ThemeConfig.txt file will allow you to change the font/background colors along with font sizing & types

Does the Counter track Shiny Pokémon?

Yes it does and it will also provide a prompt provided by the counter indicating a shiny is on the screen (Extra layer to prevent defeating or running from the shiny)

Does the Counter track Alpha Pokémon?

Yes, but only as a total count in the counter - will not add to the normal tracked monster count

Does the Counter track Legendary Pokémon?

Yes, but currently only the 3 legendary dogs from Johto (Raikou, Suicune, and Entei)

How are Eggs and Fossils tracked?

When the user retrieves them - by tracking the word egg & recieved for eggs / by tracking the word <FossilMonsterName> & recieved for fossils

Events / trades do not log towards count

If you are using custom strings do not completely remove receieved Egg / Fossil dialog

Does the counter track Zorua or Zoroark?

Due to this Pokémon and it's ability.. No.

Can the Counter track 2 different Pokémon in a double wild battle or horde?

Currently the counter does not support these types of battles and you may get mixes results when tracked in the counter

Can I convert data from other counters?

Yes, right-click empty slot to manually set monster via dex number, middle-click (scroll wheel) to manually set count

Manually editing profiles may cause corruption - located in Files\Counter Config Files

When I go into battle, the counter does not count or go busy. What do I do?

Go into the counter menu and change your Picture Mode from PrintWindow (Default) to PrintScreen (Alternate) - If this does not resolve issue, please report a bug

How do I fix incorrect scanned Pokémon names with the 'Name Fix' file?

When a monster is incorrectly scanned via OCR, you take the 'failed' name and place it on the left hand side of the semi-colon and then take the correct monster name and place to the right of the semi-colon

(Ex: Gastiy; Gastly)

You will need to turn the counter OFF and then back ON for these changes to take effect

How do I manually remove additional characters/symbols from the failed scan?

Open up the 'Name Fix' file from the counter menu and take the partial/incorrect text and place on the left hand side of the semi-colon and then place the word 'Blank' on the right hand side of the semi-colon

(Ex: GastE; Blank)

When a 'Blank' is provided on the right hand side of the semi-colon, this indicates the counter to completely remove that specific text - You will need to turn the counter OFF and then back ON for these changes to take effect

Does the Counter support transparency when making custom themes?

No - this is a limitation with the PowerShell WinForms GUI

How do I move the counter location to the top of the screen edge?

Move the counter as closely as possible to the top of the screen and then utilize the arrows keys to move to desired location

Can I manually add a count to the tracked Pokémon and total count in the Counter?

See Main Navigation above

Can I preset a Pokémon in the counter before being tracked?

See Main Navigation above

How can I report a bug?

Before creating a report, review this readme and the existing issues

Open the Debug folders from the Debug submenu, attach the .png and .txt files



This software has been created purely for the purposes of academic research. It is not intended to be used to attack other systems, nor does it provide the user any unfair advantage. There are no artificial inputs or hotkeys simulated. Project maintainers are not responsible or liable for misuse of the software. Source code can be viewed in the batch files. Use responsibly.


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