
Documentation and resources for modding the video game ZERO Sievert.


ZS Official Discord

ZS Nexus Mods

ZS Modding Wiki


Mod managers

Recommended: ModOrganizer2 & MO2 ZS plugin

Alternative: Vortex

While installing mods refer to the author's instructions


File directories

Assets: ZERO Sievert\data.win

Fonts, scripts, sounds, sprites and strings

Gamedata: ZERO Sievert\ZS_vanilla

Load order, values and descriptions for weapons, items, npcs

Savedata: %localappdata%\ZERO_Sievert

Save slots, game settings and backups


Debug Mode

ctrl + alt + p

Spawn items and enemies, adjust weather, teleport


Editing resources

Audio: Audacity & Foobar

Coding: Notepad++ & Visual Studio Code

Fonts: FontForge & Google Fonts

ZERO Sievert uses Munro

Sprites: Photopea, Gimp or Aseprite


Creating data.win mods

Required: UndertaleModTool

1. Open data.win with UMT and make desired changes

Associate UMT with the .win filetype for ease of access


For texture mods- export content and utilize Custom Sprite Framework

Do not redistribute data.win files, instead create XDelta patches


Creating XDelta patches

Required: DeltaPatcher

1. Set "Original file" path to a clean data.win

2. Set "Modified file" path to the modded data.win

3. Set "XDelta patch" path to the desired output location

It is recommended to add comments to the patch description



Applying XDelta patches

Required: DeltaPatcher

1. Set "Original file" path to a clean data.win

2. Set "XDelta patch" path as the .xdelta (mod)

Patches can only be applied once

Do not load more than one modified data.win file at a time



Creating JSON mods

1. Modify .json files using desired text editor

2. Create a new folder with your mod name as the title ModName\ZS_vanilla\gamedata

3. Add modified .json files to the mod's gamedata folder

Packaged folder structure example


Merging JSON mods

Required: WinMerge or similar difference check software

1. Compare up to three .json files (left, middle and right view.)


2. Right-click the highlighted difference and copy the code into the desired file

Repeat this process for each desired difference, merging all desired changes into a single file

Due to current limitations, ZERO Siervert can only load one of each .json at a time




3. Save and overwrite original files in desired mod