
A Jenkins monitor for the Mesosphere office.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Jenkins monitor for the Mesosphere office. This application assumes your Jenkins server is reachable and that you are running a 32x32 display.

Inspired by sloth.

Jenkins monitor in action


The following components are used in the monitor:

The Adafruit tutorial is comprehensive.



  1. Clone this repo:
    git clone git@github.com:ssk2/jenkins-monitor.git && cd jenkins-monitor
  2. Initialise the submodule:
    git submodule init
  3. Update the module:
    git submodule update
  4. Make the Adafruit shared object file:
    cd adafruit && make clean rgbmatrix.so && cd ../
  5. Create an __init__.py file so we can import the newly created file:
    touch adafruit/__init__.py
  6. Run the script:
    sudo python jenkins-monitor.py


You may like to set up a cron job to start this process up every day at a certain time. (It will exit itself at a specified UTC hour.)

First, open the crontab as root:

sudo crontab -e

Then add the line below to the end, changing the schedule and file path to point to where you've cloned the repo. In this configuration, the script starts at 2pm UTC (or 8am Californian time):

0 14 * * 1-5 python /home/pi/jenkins-monitor/jenkins-monitor.py 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t jenkins-monitor


Jenkins URL

Set JENKINS_URL to point to the View you want this script to monitor.


The BAD_IMAGES, GOOD_IMAGES and NEUTRAL_IMAGES arrays each point to local assets that should be shown when one or more builds are failing, no builds are failing or a build is running respectively.


You may need to specify a different font by setting FONT_PATH to point to a font available on your system.


Resizing Images

Images must be 32x32 in size. You can use imagemagick to resize them from the command line:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick
mogrify -resize 32x32 image.jpg