
Clash config/op templates for ubnt EdgeRouters / VyOS

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Clash config for Ubnt EdgeRouters

Only supports configuration from URL.

Quick Start

Download deb package from https://github.com/sskaje/ubnt-clash/releases

# root required
sudo su

# Download deb package, copy URL from above
curl -OL https://github.com/sskaje/ubnt-clash/releases/download/x.y.z/ubnt-clash_x.y.z_all.deb
dpkg -i  ubnt-clash_x.y.z_all.deb

# Set config URL
set interfaces clash utun config-url https://........

# Install binary, GeoIP db, UI
clashctl.sh install
# Start Clash
clashctl.sh start


EdgeOS Config

Tested under ubnt ER-X, ubnt ERLite, ubnt ER4 with latest firmware(Debian stretch based).

For USG devices, please make sure your config.gateway.json is properly configured on your controller.

  "interface": {
    "clash": {
      "utun": {
        "config-url": "https://...."

Configure Syntax


# Your configuration commands here

root@ER3# set interfaces clash utun 
Possible completions:
  		Connection check interval, used in cron
  config-url	URL containing the Clash config (e.g., https://xxxx)
  description	Description for the interface
  disable	Interface to be disabled
  executable	Clash executable
  		Outbound interface, not used for now
  		Config update interval, used in cron

Create Interface

File is downloaded with cURL, file:/// is supported by cURL but not tested here.

set interfaces clash utun config-url https://........

ubnt-clash downloads Dreamacro/clash by default, you can use MetaCubeX/Clash.Meta by setting:

set interface clash utun executable meta

Auto Update Clash Configuration

Update configuration from subscription URL every 4 hours.

set interface clash utun update-interval 14400

Auto Check Connection

Check connection every 5 minutes.

set interface clash utun check-interval 300

If you want to check your connection every minute, please set the check-interval to 30 seconds.


Router local IP, LAN interface eth1

# route table
set protocols static table 10 interface-route next-hop-interface utun

# pbr rules
set firewall group address-group SRC_CLASH address
set firewall modify MCLASH rule 101 action modify
set firewall modify MCLASH rule 101 modify table 10
set firewall modify MCLASH rule 101 source group address-group SRC_CLASH

# apply pbr rules to eth1
set interfaces ethernet eth1 firewall in modify MCLASH

# Fake IP destination only if you need, NOT recommended
set firewall group network-group DST_CLASH_FAKEIP network
set firewall modify MCLASH rule 101 destination group network-group DST_CLASH_FAKEIP

DNS Hijack

Router local IP, LAN interface eth1

set service nat rule 4050 destination group address-group ADDRv4_eth1
set service nat rule 4050 destination port 53
set service nat rule 4050 inbound-interface eth1
set service nat rule 4050 inside-address address
set service nat rule 4050 inside-address port 7874
set service nat rule 4050 protocol udp
set service nat rule 4050 source group address-group SRC_CLASH
set service nat rule 4050 type destination

Config Files

Files are stored under /config/clash

  • /config/clash/templates: template config files
  • /config/clash/templates/rulesets: example config files
  • /config/clash/utun: config files for utun

YAML files under templates will be copied to utun unless there is a same file under utun, files under templates/rulesets will NOT be copied.

YAML File Loading Order

  1. utun/*.yaml
  2. utun/rulesets/*.yaml
  3. File downloaded from server
  4. utun/*.yaml.overwrite to overwrite settings, don't try to overwrite an array.

This loading order is designed because appending element to array is easier in YQ.

Custom Entry

Some custom config entry is used by YQ scripts.

Create A New Proxy Group

Example templates/rulesets/tiktok.yaml

  - name: "TIKTOK"
    type: select
    proxies: []

  TIKTOK: "日本|韩国"

A new proxy-group named "TIKTOK" will be created before all proxy-groups and its proxies is filtered like

yq '[.proxies[] | select( .name | test("日本|韩国") ) | .name]' download.yaml

3rd Party Rule Providers

Examples templates/rulesets/adblock.yaml

    type: http
    behavior: domain
    url: "https://p.rst.im/q/raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules/release/reject.txt"
    path: ./reject.yaml
    interval: 86400

  - RULE-SET,reject,REJECT

A new rule provider will be added to clash config and a new rule will be insert before downloaded rules.

p.rst.im is recommended in url.

Other Files

GeoIP database file willl be downloaded to /config/clash and symlink to /run/clash/utun/.

Dashboard files will be downloaded to /config/clash/dashboard



Install Clash Premium Binary, YQ, GeoIP Database.

Proxy provided by p.rst.im

clashctl.sh install

# proxied download
USE_PROXY=1 clashctl.sh install


Update Clash Binary

clashctl.sh update

# proxied download
USE_PROXY=1 clashctl.sh update

Update Clash DashBoard UI

clashctl.sh update_ui

# proxied download
USE_PROXY=1 clashctl.sh update_ui

Update GeoIP Database

clashctl.sh update_db

# proxied download
USE_PROXY=1 clashctl.sh update_db

Update YQ

clashctl.sh update_yq

# proxied download
USE_PROXY=1 clashctl.sh update_yq

Show Clash Binary Version

clashctl.sh show_version

Start/Stop/Restart Client

clashctl.sh start
clashctl.sh stop
clashctl.sh restart

Update Config And Restart

clashctl.sh rehash


clashctl.sh help

About Proxy

Proxy is provided by https://p.rst.im/

You can either:

USE_PROXY=1 clashctl.sh ...


touch /config/clash/USE_PROXY
clashctl ...




See About Proxy above



Create this file to disable proxy auto change.


Via system/task-scheduler

# task scheduler, monitor, cron, etc.
set system task-scheduler task clash-cron crontab-spec "*/1 * * * *"
set system task-scheduler task clash-cron executable path "/config/scripts/clash-cron"

Up/Down Scripts

Put pre-up.sh, post-up.sh, pre-down.sh, post-down.sh under /config/clash/utun/scripts/ and make them executable.


OpenClash Enhanced Mode

Add allow-lan: true to misc.yaml.overwrite

Run command

# redirect all TCP from SRC_CLASH to 7892
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wg1 -p tcp -m set --match-set SRC_CLASH src  -j REDIRECT --to-ports 7892

# redirect all TCP from SRC_CLASH and not to DST_NOCLASH to 7892
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wg1 -p tcp -m set --match-set SRC_CLASH src -m set ! --match-set DST_NOCLASH dst  -j REDIRECT --to-ports 7892

# redirect all TCP from SRC_CLASH and not to DST_NOCLASH and not to CHINA_IP to 7892
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wg1 -p tcp -m set --match-set SRC_CLASH src -m set ! --match-set DST_NOCLASH dst -m set ! --match-set CHINA_IP dst -j REDIRECT --to-ports 7892

No 'best practice' yet, you can try with up/down scripts.


Clash utun

Run on your Router to verify if clash tun is up and working.

curl https://rst.im/ip --interface utun -v