
A quest in the clouds

Primary LanguageHCL

Testing and Linting

I have tfsec and tflint installed locally. Please see .tflint.hcl and the various tfsec:ignore comments. This code passes all checks:

$ tfsec

No problems detected!

0 potential problems detected:

$ tflint

Please note that tflint simply exits if no issues are detected.

JS/ES/TS testing is performed via eslint. More instructions on this below

What I added:


Script to pull down the latest Terraform version if you don't use tfenv.


ES (ECMAscript aka JS) linting module. Run via npx eslint src/000.js --fix if you want to modify in place as I have done.


tflint requires this config file in order to resolve issues with the latest providers/plugins.


Prevents committing things that are not appropriate.


Test variable values without having to explicitly write terraform plan/apply --var-file=, etc.


Dockerizes the application contained in ./src/ and ./bin/; nothing fancy here except that I used node:current-alpine in order to make a smaller image and not use an ancient version of Node.js.

package.json and package-lock.json

Updated package.json to include eslint, reflect my changes, etc.

All of the *.tf files


Configuration for the AWS Region, profile, etc. to use for authentication and deploying resources. Note that I am using the latest AWS provider format that just came out about a week ago, and have included a work-around for hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws#23110 which is an issue opened a few days ago and still actively being addressed.


This is a monolith on purpose. Good code starts as a monolith. One should break out parts of the monolith only when needed.


Allows various input variables. I show off an example of a validation condition, comments, conditionals, etc.


Required versions of TF and various providers. I'm using AWS provider 4.1.0, which caused some thrash as I had to rewrite a lot of stuff for the 4.x upgrade, but it was a good exercise. See https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/guides/version-4-upgrade for more details.


This is just a separate .tf file to separate the module call to cf_waf_acm from the "main" .tf code.


This Terraform module takes a domain name and an origin, wires up a CF distribution + ACM cert + WAF, peforms DNS verification of the ACM cert, attaches the ACM cert to the CF distro, sets up an encrypted S3 logging Buckt for CF, etc. so that you get anti-DDoS protection + a global pull-through cache with HTTPS + a fancy domain with its own HTTPS cert, etc. I wrote this years ago, and just updated it for TF AWS provider 4.x.

waf_rate_limit_2000 + wafv2

I wrote or co-authored both of these modules. They are required by the cf_waf_acm module.

Checklist of requirements addressed by my solution


  1. If you know how to use git, start a git repository (local-only is acceptable) and commit all of your work to it. ✔️
  2. Deploy the app in any public cloud and navigate to the index page. Use Linux 64-bit x86/64 as your OS (Amazon Linux preferred in AWS, Similar Linux flavor preferred in GCP and Azure) ✔️
  3. Deploy the app in a Docker container. Use node as the base image. Version node:10 or later should work. ✔️
  4. Inject an environment variable (SECRET_WORD) in the Docker container. The value of SECRET_WORD should be the secret word discovered on the index page of the application. ✔️
  5. Deploy a load balancer in front of the app. ✔️
  6. Use Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to "codify" your deployment. Terraform is ideal, but use whatever you know, e.g. CloudFormation, CDK, Deployment Manager, etc. ✔️
  7. Add TLS (https). You may use locally-generated certs. ✔️

Q. What do I have to submit?

  1. Your work assets, as one or both of the following:
  • A link to a hosted git repository. ✔️
  • A ZIP file containing your project directory. Include the .git sub-directory if you used git.
  1. Proof of completion, as one or both of the following:
  • Link(s) to hosted public cloud deployment(s). ✔️
  • One or more screenshots showing, at least, the index page of the final deployment in one or more public cloud(s) you have chosen. ✔️
    • Screenshot
  1. An answer to the prompt: "Given more time, I would improve..."
  • Discuss any shortcomings/immaturities in your solution and the reasons behind them (lack of time is a perfectly fine reason!) ✔️
    • See this README, as well as comments in the code itself.
  • This may carry as much weight as the code itself

Assets must include:

  • IaC files, if you completed that task. ✔️
    • Project uses TF IaC.
  • One or more Dockerfiles, if you completed that task. ✔️
    • Project contains a Dockerfile.
  • A sensible README or other file(s) that contain instructions, notes, or other written documentation to help us review and assess your submission. ✔️
    • Project contains the README.md file you are reading now.