
This repository contains the R code and ReadME.md as part of the Coursera Getting and Cleaning Data in R Course. Following files are included run_analysis.R and ReadMe.md


This repository contains the R code and ReadME.md as part of the Coursera Getting and Cleaning Data in R Course.

!!The ReadMe.md and CodeBook.md is merged into 1 single document, hence no separate CodeBook is provided!!

Following files are included run_analysis.R and ReadMe.md


##Getting and Cleaning Data Course Project

by Sandeep Karkhanis



ReadMe File Note


This ReadMe.md file describes

- assumptions used in the analysis

- how the run_analysis.r script works

- the variables, the data, and any transformations performed to clean up the data


ReadMe.md File Layout


01. Brief Project Description

02. Assumptions

03. Raw Data Description

04. Working of the run_analysis.R script

05. Tidy Data Description


01. Brief Project Description


The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the ability to collect, work with, and clean a

data set. The goal is to prepare tidy data that can be used for later analysis.

The data linked to from the course website represent data collected from the accelerometers

from the Samsung Galaxy S smartphone. A full description is available at the site where the

data was obtained under:


02. Assumptions


01. The data files needed for this project are available under,

02. I assume the original data files have been downloaded & extracted locally in appropriate


03. The raw data files (inertia signals) placed under the inertia folder are NOT included in

this analysis

04. Variable Selection Criteria

The raw sensor data fetaures are being extracted by the application of a set of signal

filters. The features are chosen because they are assumed to have significance to the

activity labelling problem.

Hence, for the sake of this analysis, I have only selected variables ending with mean()

& std() ONLY and ignored the variable names followed by an axis e.g. "tBodyAcc-mean()-X",

"tBodyGyro-mean()-X", "meanFreq()" etc.

05. Variable & File names, data folder structure remain the same.

06. In the tidyData set, the columns are averages of averages i.e. average of mean / std dev

values; hence, I have not included this aspect in the variable names in the tidyData set

instead expalined it in the ReadMe.md


03. Raw Data Description


The data comes from the Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Experiment

A group of 30 volunteers within an age bracket of 19-48 years participated in this experiement

Each person performed 6 activities namely, Walking, walking Upstairs, Walking Downstairs,

Sitting, Standing, and Laying while wearing a Samsung Galaxy SII on their waist.

Using its embedded accelerometer and gyroscope, we captured 3-axial linear acceleration and

3-axial angular velocity at a constant rate of 50Hz. The experiments were video-recorded to

label the data manually.

The obtained dataset was randomly partitioned into two sets, where70% of the volunteers was

selected for generating the training data and 30% the test data.

In essence, a Gyroscope is a device for measuring or maintaining orientation, based on the

principles of angular momentum & allows accurate recognition of movement within a 3D space

In contrast, an accelerometer is a compact device designed to measure non-gravitational


UCI HAR Dataset Description

The dataset includes the following files,

- 'README.txt'

- 'features_info.txt': Shows information about the variables used on the feature vector

- 'features.txt': List of all features.

- 'activity_labels.txt': Links the class labels with their activity name.

- 'train/X_train.txt': Training set.

- 'train/y_train.txt': Training labels.

- 'test/X_test.txt': Test set.

- 'test/y_test.txt': Test labels.

Variable Description

For each participant, there are several things being measured along the XYZ axes,

- Angular Velocity, Acceleration, Maginutude, Angle along with some derived values,

e.g. Jerk is derived from Acceleration and Angular Velocity

- tBodyAcc-XYZ | tGravityAcc-XYZ | tBodyAccJerk-XYZ | tBodyGyro-XYZ

- tBodyGyroJerk-XYZ | tBodyAccMag | tGravityAccMag | tBodyAccJerkMag

- tBodyGyroMag | tBodyGyroJerkMag | fBodyAcc-XYZ | fBodyAccJerk-XYZ

- fBodyGyro-XYZ | fBodyAccMag | fBodyAccJerkMag

- fBodyGyroMag | fBodyGyroJerkMag |

- Using, the Euclidean norm, the magnitude of the inputs listed above were calculated

- The variable have a time (prefix t) and frequency (prefix f) domain component.

- Variables are normalized and bounded within [-1,1]

- These signals were used to estimate statistical variables [mean, std deviation, min, max

,skew, kurtosis etc.] for each of the feature vector pattern: '-XYZ' is used to denote 3

axial signals in the X, Y and Z directions.

- A listing of the statistical variables created is described under the file "FeatureInfo"

- A complete list of the 561 variables is available in the file "Features.txt"

As stated in the assumptions above, as part of the project, only mean() & stddev() estimates

are included in the analysis.


04. Working of the run_analysis.R script


runAnalysis.r File Description:

01.Reading training and test set

- First, we start by the setting the working directory where the UCI HAR Dataset is

extracted using setwd() command

- Using the "read.table" command we import the following files,

* features, activityType, subjectTrain, xTrain, yTrain

* features, subjectTest, xTest, yTest

- Next, we assign column names in each of the files imported above

- Using the "cbind" command, we merge to create the Training & Test data sets

02.Combining training, test set

- I used "rbind" to concatenate the training & test sets into a table "finalData"

- At this point, finalData has all of the 561 columns along with subjectId & actiityID

- Next step is to subset finalData so that it only contains relevant mean(), stddev() columns

- A two-fold approach is used,

- store the finalData columns in colNames vector

- a logicalVector is created using "grepl" expression; "grepl" searches for a specific

pattern in the argument and return a TRUE/FALSE value accordingly; the logical vector

expression is made up of a series of AND / OR sub-expressions which either include or

negate the result of the corresponding sub-expression.

- next, the finalData is subset using the logicalVector to include only relevant columns

03.Merging activity_type with data from step 2. to include descriptive activity names

- the finalData set is merged with the acitivityType table to include descriptive activity names

- the colNames vector is updated to include the new column (mean & stdddev) names after merge

04.Labeling the variables with descriptive names

- Now that relevant activity names are included in finalData, next I make the variable names

more descriptive; this is achieved via for loop over colNames vector

- for each element of the vector, the loop runs a bunch of "gsub" expressions used for cleaning

"gsub" searches for a pattern and replaces it with given substitution; the pattern can be

specified using regular expression commands to look for strings at the start, end or anywhere

in the element

- Once the column namess have been cleaned up they are substituted in the finalData set

05.Creating 2nd Independent data set by aggegrating the table by activity & subject id per


To create the tidyData set, a 3-step approach is used,

- First, I create a new finalData2 set without the "activityType" column as a precursor to the

next step for aggregating the finalData set

- Next, "aggregate" function is used to summarize the finalData2 by activity & subject id per

participant resulting in the tidyData set; the "mean" function is used since we desire average

values of the mean & std dev columns; since the new columns will be average of the values I have

not included that aspect in the variable names instead it is documented here

- Finally, I merge the tidyData with activityType to include descriptive activity names

06.Exporting the tidyData set

- Using the "write.table" command, tidyData is exported as a tab delimited text file


05. Tidy Data Description


The columns of the tidyData set are described below,

- activityId, subjectId, activityType are same as before.

- columns "timeBodyAccMagnitudeMean" , "timeBodyAccMagnitudeStdDev" represent the average

time domain magnitude of body acceleration of the mean and std deviation respectively

- columns "timeGravityAccMagnitudeMean" & "timeGravityAccMagnitudeStdDev" represent the

average time domain magnitude of angular velocity of the mean and std deviation


- columns "timeBodyAccJerkMagnitudeMean" , "timeBodyAccJerkMagnitudeStdDev" represent the

average time domain magnitude of jerk body acceleration of the mean and std deviation


- columns "timeBodyGyroJerkMagnitudeMean" & "timeBodyGyroJerkMagnitudeStdDev" represent the

average time domain magnitude of jerk angular velocity of the mean and std deviation


- columns "freqBodyAccMagnitudeMean" , "freqBodyAccMagnitudeStdDev" represent the average

frequency domain magnitude of body acceleration of the mean and std deviation respectively

- columns "freqBodyAccJerkMagnitudeMean" & "freqBodyAccJerkMagnitudeStdDev" represent the

average frequency domain magnitude of jerk acceleration of the mean and std deviation


- columns "freqBodyGyroMagnitudeMean" & "freqBodyGyroMagnitudeStdDev" represent the

average frequency domain magnitude of angular velocity of the mean and std deviation


- columns "freqBodyAccJerkMagnitudeMean" & "freqBodyAccJerkMagnitudeStdDev" represent the

average frequency domain magnitude of jerk angular velocity of the mean and std deviation
