
Tutorial for the Maude JavaRL tool

Primary LanguageShell

JavaRL Tutorial README:

This archive is designed to present the basics of JavaRL.

The main references in this archive are java-pres.pdf
and tut.sh. The PDF contains high-level information about
how JavaRL works. The file tut.sh contains more specific
information about how to configure and run the JavaRL tool.

NOTE-1: JavaRL currently doesn't run on Windows.
NOTE-2: JavaRL requires a working Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
        on your machine. Thus, you should first download
        and install the JVM, available from:


        or from your linux distribution's package manager.
NOTE-3: JavaRL must be configured first or it will crash.
        Consult the file tut.sh in this distribution for
        more information.
NOTE-4: The JavaRL parser is, unfortunately, not very
        robust. Thus, check your properties you want to
        verify carefully. See further notes in tut.sh.

Contents of the archive containing this tutorial:

  README              -    This file                                                                 
  javafan-pres.pdf    -    A PDF file containing information about the JavaRL semantics/tool
  tut.sh              -    A bash script which contains sample JavaRL invocations and documentation
  java-rl-spec/       -    Folder containing Java semantics in Maude
  javarl/             -    Folder containing utility to convert Java code into Maude code
  HelloWorld.java     -    Java file containing Hello World program
  rw.java             -    Java file containing definition of a safely shared variable (with a mutex)
  Sum.java            -    Java file containing program that sums naturals from 0 to 100
  Sum.prop            -    Property file used by JavaRL tool for model-checking Sum.java
  Sum2.prop           -    Another property file for model-checking Sum.java
  rw.prop             -    A third property file for model-checking rw.java

Feel free to send any questions you have to the course TA.