
This is a simple configuration of Wordpress with Docker Compose

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This repository is an example configuration of Wordpress, running on multiple Docker containers. Docker Compose is used for orchestration.

Multiple containers

This environment uses 2 containers:

  1. web container with Apache2 and PHP, being build from Dockerfile. This container shares application sources with host machine.
  2. db container with MySQL, pulled directly from tutum/mysql image on Docker Hub. This container shares DB data with boot2docker VM.

Containers are managed by Docker Compose. The configuration is in docker-compose.yml.


Basically, you need to have Docker Compose installed.

If you are using Mac OS X or Windows as your host OS, I recommend using boot2docker as proxy VM to run Docker.

Mac OS X

If Mac OS X is your host OS and you use boot2docker to launch Docker you will probably encounter the bug with writing to shared volume. The following workaround works perfectly:

  1. SSH to boot2docker VM: boot2docker ssh

  2. Edit the /var/lib/boot2docker/profile file: sudo vi /var/lib/boot2docker/profile

  3. Paste the following lines:

    umount /Users
    mount -t vboxsf -o uid=33,gid=33 Users /Users
  4. Exit the VM and restart it: boot2docker restart

How to use it?

Start the environment

In the project root directory run the following command:

docker-compose up -d

This command will build web Docker image and run its container together with db container.

Install dependencies

  1. Log in to the container by running the following command:

    docker exec -i -t dockerwordpress_web_1 bash
  2. Install dependencies by running the following command:

    composer install -n

Create database for Wordpress

In project root folder on your host machine run the following command:

docker exec -it dockerwordpress_db_1 mysql -u root -e "CREATE DATABASE wordpress;"

Update your hosts

Mac OS X

  1. Check boot2docker IP address: boot2docker ip.

  2. Assuming its, add the following line to your /etc/hosts file: wordpress.dev




  1. Check boot2docker IP address: boot2docker ip.

  2. Assuming its, add the following line to your %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file: wordpress.dev