Psychologist, linguist and English teacher. Graduated from Android Basics Nanodegree by Udacity, and Green Fox Academy's Java Junior Developer training.
Pinned Repositories
A musical structure app (mainly for arraylist, custom arraylist adapter and custom class practice).
Changes since v1 (counter2) and v2 (Counter2beforelandscape): fixed landscape layout (separate code, 2 added relative layouts, moved reset button), changed portrait reset button's width, changed reset button's colour. Chaned since v3: fixed landscape view (pushed into repository properly); fixed toast messages (more varied based on scores, & more varied in wording. Added "android:ems" attribute to layout-land's four buttons for better design.
This app has been designed to track the user's alcohol and water/soft drink intake. A high level of alcohol score launches a Soberness Quiz (a second activity). If user passes that, they get re-sent to the first activity; if not, a new message and image appears on the screen, advising user to go home.
An experimental version of my score counter app. onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState don't work yet.
Private. Fixed restore scores prob. Next step: fixing landscape mode's layout.
The app relies on the Guardian API and requires Internet connection. It lists news articles on a topic of the user's choice, starting from the publication year of the user's choice, ordered by newest or oldest. It connects to any chosen article in a browser window.
A tour guide app, aimed at tourists in Budapest, Hungary.
3 coding exercises, each as a separate activity (page) in an app for demonstration. See readme (below) for IntelliJ platform versions.
sskreber's Repositories
Changes since v1 (counter2) and v2 (Counter2beforelandscape): fixed landscape layout (separate code, 2 added relative layouts, moved reset button), changed portrait reset button's width, changed reset button's colour. Chaned since v3: fixed landscape view (pushed into repository properly); fixed toast messages (more varied based on scores, & more varied in wording. Added "android:ems" attribute to layout-land's four buttons for better design.
A musical structure app (mainly for arraylist, custom arraylist adapter and custom class practice).
This app has been designed to track the user's alcohol and water/soft drink intake. A high level of alcohol score launches a Soberness Quiz (a second activity). If user passes that, they get re-sent to the first activity; if not, a new message and image appears on the screen, advising user to go home.
An experimental version of my score counter app. onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState don't work yet.
Private. Fixed restore scores prob. Next step: fixing landscape mode's layout.
The app relies on the Guardian API and requires Internet connection. It lists news articles on a topic of the user's choice, starting from the publication year of the user's choice, ordered by newest or oldest. It connects to any chosen article in a browser window.
A tour guide app, aimed at tourists in Budapest, Hungary.
3 coding exercises, each as a separate activity (page) in an app for demonstration. See readme (below) for IntelliJ platform versions.
Just another repository for practice
This is just to practise how to use and commit through Git Bash
My version of the JustJava app for Udacity: Android Basics. Uses a customised theme, two further styles tied to certain views, and localised into French (yay!), and then to Spanish and German to further hands-on practice.
Fixed issues compared to FunExercises Exercise 1: (1) changed the variable of the average into a double (from int); (2) added another increase to a while loop’s event calculator (itemNumber) to help the loop move onto the next number; (3) fixed modulo operation for negative numbers; (4) removed printing command from while loop and placed it outside of it.
"Wearily I sit here, pain and misery my only companions." (Marvin, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). FINAL version of the card.
"Wearily I sit here, pain and misery my only companions." (Marvin, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). FINAL version of the card. Adjustments in dimens, colors, styles (aka How NOT to hardcode)
"I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed." (Marvin, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
"Life? Don't talk to me about life!" (Marvin, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
"Wearily I sit here, pain and misery my only companions." (Marvin, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
Marvin is back! Some new changes I've made, while wanting to keep the original code to see my own improvements in development. Learned to add font folder, download and use new fonts (changed font for the app); removed tool bar; removed hardcoded padding and colour and text size, using separate xml for these.
All the Git-it Workshop completers!
Background: educational app: English learning: a quiz on phrasal verbs. A multiscreen app with 3 difficulty levels to choose from.
An inventory app for the admin side of a bookstore using SQLite. The app handles a persistent database both on the backend and the frontend side, can add/delete/update entries, add dummy data, or delete all entries.
The script allows you to specify a text and then returns its encoded version (by shifting each character to the right in the alphabet based on the number of occurrences of the 1st letter of this word). CODED in IntelliJ.
Sample app for tutorial
:mortar_board: List of Udacity Nanodegree programs with links to the free courses in their curricula