This code generator takes python code/function and passes it unmodified for use by the transformer.
For instance, the following python function was saved in the file
def transform_yt(ds):
slc = ds.r[ds.domain_center[0], :, :].plot(("gas", "density"))
sac = slc.frb[("gas", "density")].d
return sac
The json passed to the transformer will need this function base64 encoded. To encode your python code:
cat | base64
Then in the json the "selection" key will take the base64-encoded string:
selection: "ZGVmIHRyYW5zZm9ybV95dChkcyk6CiAgICBzbGMgPSBkcy5yW2RzLmRvbWFpbl9jZW50ZXJbMF0sIDosIDpdLnBsb3QoKCJnYXMiLCAiZGVuc2l0eSIpKQogICAgc2FjID0gc2xjLmZyYlsoImdhcyIsICJkZW5zaXR5IildLmQKICAgIHJldHVybiBzYWMK"
Here is an example using the ServiceX frontend:
from servicex import ServiceXDataset
from servicex.servicex_python_function import ServiceXPythonFunction
def transform_yt(ds):
slc = ds.r[ds.domain_center[0], :, :].plot(("gas", "density"))
sac = slc.frb[("gas", "density")].d
return sac
if __name__ == "__main__":
dataset = "girder://579fb0aa7b6f0800011ea3b6#item"
ds = ServiceXDataset(dataset,
backend_name = "python"
selection = ServiceXPythonFunction(ds)
encoded_selection = selection._encode_function(transform_yt)
r = ds.get_data_pandas_df(encoded_selection)