
ServiceX DID Common Library

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


ServiceX DID Library


ServiceX DID finders take a dataset name and turn them into files to be transformed. They interact with ServiceX via the Rabbit MQ message broker. As such, the integration into ServiceX and the API must be the same for all DID finders. This library abstracts away some of that interaction so that the code that interacts with ServiceX can be separated from the code that translates a dataset identifier into a list of files.

The DID Finder author need write only a line of initialization code and then a small routine that translates a DID into a list of files.


A very simple demo has been created to show how to make a basic DID finder for ServiceX. You can use that as a starting point if authoring one.

Create an async callback method that yields file info dictionaries. For example:

    async def my_callback(did_name: str, info: Dict[str, Any]):
        for i in range(0, 10):
            yield {
                'paths': [f"root://atlas-experiment.cern.ch/dataset1/file{i}.root"],
                'adler32': b183712731,
                'file_size': 0,
                'file_events': 0,

The arguments to the method are straight forward:

  • did_name: the name of the DID that you should look up. It has the schema stripped off (e.g. if the user sent ServiceX rucio://dataset_name_in_rucio, then did_name will be dataset_name_in_rucio)
  • info contains a dict of various info about the request that asked for this DID.

Yield the results as you find them - ServiceX will actually start processing the files before your DID lookup is finished if you do this. The fields you need to pass back to the library are as follows:

  • paths: An ordered list of URIs that a transformer in ServiceX can access to get at the file. Often these are either root:// or http:// schema URI's. When accessing the file, URIs will be tried in ordered listed.
  • adler32: A CRC number for the file. This CRC is calculated in a special way by rucio and is not used. Leave as 0 if you do not know it.
  • file_size: Number of bytes of the file. Used to calculate statistics. Leave as zero if you do not know it (or it is expensive to look up).
  • file_events: Number of events in the file. Used to calculate statistics. Leave as zero if you do not know it (or it is expensive to look up).

Once the callback is working privately, it is time to build a container. ServiceX will start the container and pass, one way or the other, a few arguments to it. Several arguments are required for the DID finder to work (like rabbitUrl). The library will automatically parse these during initialization.

To initialize the library and start listening for and processing messages from RabbitMQ, you must initialize the library. In all cases, the call to start_did_finder will not return.

If you do not have to process any command line arguments to configure the service, then the following is good enough:

start_did_finder('my_finder', my_callback)

The first argument is the name of the schema. The user will use my_finder://dataset_name to access this DID lookup (and my_callback is called with dataset_name as did_name). Please make sure everything is lower case: schema in URI's are not case sensitive.

The second argument is the call back.

If you do need to configure your DID finder from command line arguments, then use the python argparse library, being sure to hook in the did finder library as follows (this code is used to start the rucio finder):

    # Parse the command line arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--site', dest='site', action='store',
                        help='XCache Site)')
    parser.add_argument('--prefix', dest='prefix', action='store',
                        help='Prefix to add to Xrootd URLs')
    parser.add_argument('--threads', dest='threads', action='store',
                        default=10, type=int, help="Number of threads to spawn")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    site = args.site
    prefix = args.prefix
    threads = args.threads
    logger.info("ServiceX DID Finder starting up: "
                f"Threads: {threads} Site: {site} Prefix: {prefix}")

    # Initialize the finder
    did_client = DIDClient()
    replica_client = ReplicaClient()
    rucio_adapter = RucioAdapter(did_client, replica_client)

    # Run the DID Finder
        logger.info('Starting rucio DID finder')

        async def callback(did_name, info):
            async for f in find_files(rucio_adapter, site, prefix, threads,
                                      did_name, info):
                yield f


        logger.info('Done running rucio DID finder')

In particular note:

  1. The call to add_did_finder_cnd_arguments to setup the arguments required by the finder library.
  2. Parsing of the arguments using the usual parse_args method
  3. Passing the parsed arguments to start_did_finder.

Another pattern in the above code that one might find useful - a thread-safe way of passing global arguments into the callback. Given Python's Global Interpreter Lock, this is probably not necessary.

Proper Logging

In the end, all DID finders for ServiceX will run under Kubernetes. ServiceX comes with a built in logging mechanism. If anything is to be logged it should use the log system using the python standard logging module, with some extra information. For example, here is how to log a message from your callback function:

    import logger
    __log = logger.getLogger(__name__)
    async def my_callback(did_name: str, info: Dict[str, Any]):
        __log.info(f'Looking up dataset {did_name}.',
                     extra={'somethign': info['something']})

        for i in range(0, 10):
            yield {
                'paths': [f"root://atlas-experiment.cern.ch/dataset1/file{i}.root"]
                'adler32': b183712731,
                'file_size': 0,
                'file_events': 0,

The start_did_finder will configure the python root logger properly.

URI Format

All the incoming DID's are expected to be URI's without the schema. As such, there are two parameters that are currently parsed by the library. The rest are let through and routed to the callback:

  • files - Number of files to report back to ServiceX. All files from the dataset are found, and then sorted in order. The first n files are then sent back. Default is all files.
  • get - If the value is all (the default) then all files in the dataset must be returned. If the value is available, then only files that are accessible need be returned.

As am example, if the following URI is given to ServiceX, "rucio://dataset_name?files=20&get=available", then the first 20 available files of the dataset will be processed by the rest of servicex.