
Configuration for servicex instances on river


This repository holds configuration for servicex instances on river. Each directory has configuration for a different instance. The directory name corresponds to the namespace that the instance exists in.


Do not modify the servicex-prod and servicex-int instances since they are used for CI of production and development code.
The testing-1/testing-2/testing-3/testing-4 instances can be used for testing purposes, just let the slack channel know in order to avoid using an instance that is being used by someone else.

Creating secrets

Each instance needs to have a sealed secret in the namespace in order to work. To create a new sealed secret, create a file with the following

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    sealedsecrets.bitnami.com/managed: "true"
    sealedsecrets.bitnami.com/namespace-wide: "true"  
  name: servicex-secrets
type: Opaque

and add in the appropriate values (as base64 encoded values) for the fields in the data section as well as the namespace in the metadata section. Then run kubeseal --format yaml -n kube-system --controller-name=sealed-secrets < [secrets-file] > [sealed-secrets-file]. The sealed-secrets-file should be checked in to the repo with the appropriate name. Do not check the secrets-file that you generated in to the repository Keep the secrets file in a safe place since it has the various passwords for the ServiceX components.

Globus / Slack secrets

In order for all the integrations to work, you'll need to create 2 secrets

For slack:

  • Create a servicex-slack secret with address pointing to the webhook for the flux integration app
  • Create a new app for the approval integration:
    • Create a webhook that can send messages to the #servicex-flux-auths channel
    • Make sure that webhook url and signing secret are in the servicex-secrets secret as slackSigningSecret and slackSignupWebhook
    • Enable interactivity and set the request url to the servicex app url (e.g. https://[app-url]/slack)

For Globus:

  • Make sure an app exists for OAuth interactions
  • Make sure the ServiceX redirect url is listed (add if not). The url should be something like https://[app-url]/auth-callback
  • Generate a new client secret and make sure that it gets into the servicex-secrets secret as globusClientSecret
  • Make sure that servicex-secrets secret has globusClientID set