
Data collection, models, and fingerprinting code for "Watch This Space: Securing Satellite Communication through Resilient Transmitter Fingerprinting"

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This repository contains all the data collection, model training, and analysis code for the SatIQ system, described in the paper "Watch This Space: Securing Satellite Communication through Resilient Transmitter Fingerprinting". This system can be used to authenticate Iridium satellite transmitters using high sample rate message headers.

Additional materials:

When using this code, please cite the following paper: "Watch This Space: Securing Satellite Communication through Resilient Transmitter Fingerprinting". The BibTeX entry is given below:

  author = {Smailes, Joshua and K{\"o}hler, Sebastian and Birnbach, Simon and Strohmeier, Martin and Martinovic, Ivan},
  title = {{Watch This Space}: {Securing Satellite Communication through Resilient Transmitter Fingerprinting}},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security},
  location = {Copenhagen, Denmark},
  series = {CCS '23}


To clone the repository:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/ssloxford/SatIQ.git
cd SatIQ

A Docker container is provided for ease of use, with all dependencies installed. A recent version of Docker must be installed on your system to use this.

To run scripts locally, the following packages are required:


The following Python packages are also required:


A GPU is recommended (with all necessary drivers installed), and a moderate amount of RAM will be required to run the data preproccessing and model training.

Downloading Data

The full dataset is stored on Zenodo at the following URL: https://zenodo.org/record/8220494

These can be downloaded from the site directly, but the following script may be preferable due to the large file size:


for i in $(seq -w 0 5 165); do
  printf -v j "%03d" $((${i#0} + 4))
  wget https://zenodo.org/records/8220494/files/data_${i}_${j}.tar.gz


These files are very large (4.0GB each, 135.4GB total). Ensure you have enough disk space before downloading.

To extract the files:


for i in $(seq -w 0 5 165); do
  printf -v j "%03d" $((${i#0} + 4))
  tar xzf data_${i}_${j}.tar.gz

See the instructions below on processing the resulting files for use.


TensorFlow Container

The script tf-container.sh provides a Docker container with the required dependencies for data processing, model training, and the analysis code. Run the script from inside the repository's root directory to ensure volumes are correctly mounted.

If your machine has no GPUs:

  • Modify Dockerfile to use the tensorflow/tensorflow:latest image.
  • Modify tf-container.sh, removing --gpus all.


The util directory contains the main data processing and model code:

  • data.py contains utilities for data loading and preprocessing.
  • models.py contains the main model code.
  • model_utils.py contains various helper classes and functions used during model construction and training.

See the data collection, training, and analysis scripts for examples on how to use these files.

Data Collection

The data-collection directory contains a docker-compose pipeline to receive signals from an SDR, extract Iridium messages, and save the data to a database file. To run under its default configuration, connect a USRP N210 via Ethernet to the host machine, and run the following (from inside the data-collection directory:

docker-compose up

Data will be stored in data/db.sqlite3.

If a different SDR is used, the iridium_extractor configuration may need to be altered. Change the docker-compose.yml to ensure the device is mounted in the container, and modify iridium_extractor/iridium_extractor.py to use the new device as a source.

Data Preprocessing

The scripts in the preprocessing directory process the database file(s) into NumPy files, and then TFRecord datasets. It is recommended to run these scripts from within the TensorFlow container described above.


Converting databases to NumPy files and filtering is only necessary if you are doing your own data collection. If the provided dataset on Zenodo is used, only the np-to-tfrecord.py script is needed.


Please note that these scripts load the full datasets into memory, and will consume large amounts of RAM. It is recommended that you run them on a machine with at least 128GB of RAM.


This script extracts the database files into NumPy files. To run, adjust path_base if appropriate (this should point to your data directory), and db_indices to point to the databases that need extracting.

The script itself runs with no arguments:

python3 db-to-np-multiple.py

The resulting files will be placed in code/processed (ensure this directory already exists).


This script normalizes the IQ samples, and filters out unusable data. To run, once again adjust path_base if appropriate, and set suffixes to the NumPy suffixes that need filtering -- this will likely be the same as db_indices from the previous step.

The script runs with no arguments:

python3 np-filter.py

The resulting files will be placed in code/filtered (ensure this directory already exists).


This script converts NumPy files into the TFRecord format, for use in model training. To run this script, ensure your data has been processed into NumPy files with the following format:

  • samples_<suffix>.npy
  • ra_sat_<suffix>.npy
  • ra_cell_<suffix>.npy


The db-to-np-multiple.py script will produce files in this format. The dataset available from Zenodo is also in this format.

The script can be used as follows:

python3 np-to-tfrecord.py --path-in <INPUT PATH> --path-out <OUTPUT PATH>

There are also the following optional parameters:

  • --chunk-size <CHUNK SIZE>: number of records in each chunk. Default is 50000, set to a smaller value for smaller files.
  • -v, --verbose: display progress.
  • --max-files <MAX FILES>: stop after processing the specified number of input files.
  • --skip-files <SKIP FILES>: skip a specified number of input files.
  • --no-shuffle: do not shuffle the data.
  • --by-id: see below.

The by_id option creates 9 datasets. The first of these contains only the most common 10% of transmitter IDs. The second contains 20%, and so on. Be careful using this option, as it creates a much larger number of files, and takes significantly longer to run.


This script in particular will use a large amount of RAM, since it loads the entire dataset into memory at once. Processing may be done in batches by using the --max-files and --skip-files command-line arguments, or the script below.


This script can run multiple instances of np-to-tfrecord.py in parallel, allowing preprocessing to be sped up and/or less RAM to be used.




  • INPUT PATH contains your .npy files, as above.
  • OUTPUT PATH is the desired output directory.
  • NUM PROCESSES is the number of CPU cores to use.
  • FILES PER PROCESS is the number of files each thread should load at once.

Ensure that NUM_PROCESSES * FILES_PER_PROCESS input files can fit comfortably in RAM.


Shuffling is disabled by default in this script - if shuffled data is desired, the --no-shuffle flag should be removed from the script. If this flag is removed, shuffling will only be done on a per-process level - that is, each process will shuffle the files it has loaded, but not the dataset as a whole.


This script converts database files directly into the NumPy arrays in the same format as provided in the Zenodo dataset. This includes all columns provided by the data collection pipeline.

The script can be used as follows:

python3 sqlite3-compress.py <INPUT PATH> <OUTPUT PATH>


The noise directory contains modified versions of the above scripts that filter the dataset to remove the messages with the highest noise. Use in the same way as above.

Ensure that all the requisite directories have been created before these scripts are executed.

Model Training

The script for training the SatIQ model is found in code/training/ae-triplet-conv.py. Ensure that data is placed in the data directory before running.

Adjust the arguments at the top of the script to ensure the data and output directories are set correctly (these should be fine if running inside the TensorFlow Docker container), then run the script with no arguments:

python3 ae-triplet-conv.py

This will take a long time. The checkpoints should appear in data/models.


The analysis directory contains Jupyter notebooks for loading the trained models, processing the data, and producing the plots and numbers used in the paper. The notebook may be opened without running to see the results in context, or executed to reproduce the results.

The TensorFlow Docker container should contain all the required dependencies to run the notebooks. See Setup for requirements to run outside docker.

Note that these also require a large amount of RAM, and a GPU is recommended in order to run the models.

The plots-data.ipynb notebook contains plots relating to the raw samples.

The plots-models.ipynb notebook contains all the analysis of the trained models.


This code, alongside the datasets and trained models, has been made public to aid future research in this area. However, this reposistory is no longer actively developed. Any contributions (documentation, bug fixes, etc.) should be made as pull requests, and may be accepted.