Add Anti-Aliasing Section
luizberti opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Hey there, I was wondering if you have any plans to add anti-aliasing to this course? Would be pretty cool to have and it's not much more complex than a lot of other topics treated in here.
Hi Luiz, in fact yes, I want to add anti-aliasing, but at the moment can not guarantee the delivery date.
Should anti-aliasing be concerned since bare start?
Sometime I found it quite hard to design AA algorithms without multi-sampling methods.
The topic is actually quite a bit more complex than the others considered - especially if a satisfactory theoretical presentation is envisioned. This would go into Fourier transform territory, sampling/Dirac deltas, signal copies in the Fourier domain, filtering etc. If this is presented only from an algorithmic point of view, however, it should be simple.