
my personal example of Laravel clean architecture

Primary LanguagePHP

what is this repo about

Clean Architect Laravel


  • we assume docker desktop is up and running
  • open up a terminal
  • cd project directory
  • run "cp .env.example .env"
  • run "docker-compose up -d"
  • open
  • login with user: "root" and password: "very_secret" and build a database named: "lvclean"
  • find laravel-8x_php container ID and run "docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash"
  • inside the bash run "composer install"
  • after install is done, again inside the bash run "php artisan migrate"
  • again inside the bash run "php artisan db:seed"
  • now find the "claen-lv.postman_collection.json" inside the root directory and import it to post man