GitPod customize environment for deployment apps or managing cloud hosted k8s environments
Self-referential (use gitpod-k8s to develop against itself!)
Create a
in your repository with the following contents:image: tasks: - name: Login to Cloud Resources command: | bash $HOME/scripts/ vscode: extensions: - ms-azuretools.vscode-docker - ms-kubernetes-tools.vscode-kubernetes-tools
Optional Put a link in your to make it easy to open up in Gitpod!
[![Open in Gitpod](](
- Note The
only works for public repos. For private repos, use a full link
- Note The
- Civo
Go to and generate an API Key
Within Gitpod, run
gp env CIVO_API_KEY=xxxxxyyyzzz gp env CIVO_REGION=NYC1 #civo region ls to see all available regions
Within Gitpod, run the following
gp env DOCKER_USERNAME=username gp env DOCKER_PASSWORD=$(echo -n 'my_good_password' | base64)
In upper-right hand corner, click your username, then Account Settings
Click "Generate Encrypted Password"
Select "Docker Login" Use the data from "-u" for the username and "-p" for the password
Within Gitpod, run
gp env QUAY_USERNAME=usernmae gp env QUAY_PASSWORD=myquaypassword
1 Pull latest sha256 hash:
# Uses act to run github actions
./lrun -j docker-latest
- Update SHA256 hash locally
- Build docker container locally and test
docker build -t local-test .