A Toolbox of utilities that can be used in a cloud-native environment. Mostly focused on the Devops Toolchain and how various CNCF projects can be leveraged to address potential solutions at each step (or across steps)
- As a DevOps Engineer, quickly bring up a Kubernetes CLI/GUI app that can be run from anywhere (vscode-server with a kubectl/kustomize/helm baked in)
- As a DevOps Engineer, I need a quick "reference" for common configurations. Should be installed relatively quickly - leveraging either the operator framework, Helm Charts, or kustomize/kubectl as necessary.
- Quick debugging
- Spin up a variety of debugging pods (network tools, eBPL based toosl, etc)
- Common references for essential utilities in most K8S clusters (like BKPR, but...modern-ish) (or also like Digital Ocean's Starter Kit
- Operator Lifecycle Manager - only selectivily for complex reosureces
- Monitoring Stack
- Promtheus Operator (Metrics) (include alerts)
- Loki (Plain YAML or Helm?)
- Grafana (Metrics/Logs)
- Pixie Operator (Tracing/Network)
- Ingress Stack
- Nginx Ingress Controller
- Cert-Manager
- Oauth2 Proxy
- External DNS
- Security Stack
- Sealed Secretes - Feels the most native k8s way to do secrets without being tied to a specific backend (such as with the External Secrets operator)
- Security Operator (All in One): Aqua's Starboard
- Trivy Scanner for COntiner Scanning
- Configuration audit via built-in polcies (rego written)
- Node Configuration audit via kube-bench
- Automated Pen Testing for kube-hunter
- Individual Tools
- Runtime Security: Falco
- Configuration: Kubebench, kubehunter
- Live Container Scanning: Kube-scan
- Scaling (HPA, VPA, Cluster Auto-Scaler)
- GitOps - FluxCD. Prefer Flux's handing of Helm charts versus ArgoCD (the other major competitor). Although Argo might make doing kustomize patches after a helm chart application a bit easier...
- Although honestly, if a Helm chart isn't htat flexible, just leverage
helm template
to render the raw yaml, and massage with kustomize.
- Although honestly, if a Helm chart isn't htat flexible, just leverage
- Backup/Restore
- Should MOSTLY be in the gitops repo, but a nice second layer in some circumstances
- Useful for Sealed Secrets, as well as anything in PVs
- Velero for the most part
- Quick debugging
- As a DevOps Engineer, need a platform to quickly test out new configuration changes:
- Spin up clusters easily on a variety of platform (Managed K8S or k3s on IaaS )
- Bootstrap Methods (Note: ways to "bootstrap" a cluster that has a web interface for management)
- local machine (vscode devcontainer optimized) - leverages k3d/k3s locally
- GitHub actions directly - Initialize
- GitHub actions through act
- Initial cluster: fairly minimal:
- Web Interface
- External Secrets
- Flux?
- tf-controller that can spin up additional resources
- Cluster-API?
- Pathways
- kubectl direct application
- GitPod environment
- k8s cluster for primary bootstrap
- TODO: Terraform for Civo bootstrap for "bootstrap" cluster
- https://github.com/garutilorenzo/k3s-aws-terraform-cluster to bootstrap on AWS
- FluxCD for bootstrap deployment
- clusterapi for k8s cluster deployemnts (either manually applied, or via FluxCD)
- terraform controller https://github.com/weaveworks/tf-controller - For other
- opt: local git repo for flux for air-gapped - gitea. Or maybe I assume GitHub itself is available
- kubectl direct application
- Targets
- k8s debugging
- k8s basics ... Something like bitnami production runtime, but lighter weight
- k8s example apps. Apps in separate repos, but implementation here
- .github: Workflows to build/test all below
- docker: Useful Docker containers and templates
- packer: For any custom image buildes necessary
- terraform: Primary IaC tool
- k8s:
- manifests: Individual k8s "applications. Should be "kustomize" applicable applicatons. Helm charts should be exploded with "helm template", but with a Makefile that can be used to regenerate if necessary
- Might allow use of FluxCD Helm Controller to speed deployment of more complex packages.
- clusters: Example "clusters". Kustomize of apps above
- manifests: Individual k8s "applications. Should be "kustomize" applicable applicatons. Helm charts should be exploded with "helm template", but with a Makefile that can be used to regenerate if necessary
- scripts: Collection of random scripts
- Github Starter Workflows: Good starting point in most cases
- act: Run github actions locally.
- Docker - Allow for easily bundling and extracting resources to single use containers
- 12 Factor App - Try to ensure all toolbox components are designed with a 12 factor mentality in mind. Sometimes difficult in deep debugging situation, btu still an admirable goal.
- Kubernetes Patterns EBook (PDF) - Great overview of Kubernetes primatives and how to apply then to a variety of problems.
- cert-manager - SSL certificates - with Cloudflare DNS challenge
- external-dns
- prometheus-operator - Metrics/Alerts
- grafana-operator - Graphing
- loki - Logging
- echo-server - REST Server Tests (Echo-Server) API (useful for debugging HTTP issues)
- hajimari - start page with ingress discovery
- reflector - mirror
s orsecret
s to other Kubernetes namespaces - Sealed Secrets
- Wireguard-Go-Docker - Pre-built wireguard with easy k8s deployment. Article here
- Netshoot: General purpose docker container useful for a variety of network and system debugging
- kubectl debug: Plugin to allow debug containers to be spun up in same namespace as pod you wish to debug.
Always good to have an example "app" to practice deployments and debugging.
- Java Based: Java Shopping
- Python/Java Based: Bank of Anthos - also against a PostgreSQL database. Primarily REST based called between services.
- Polygot: Online Boutique - True Polygot Application, with Microservices written in Python, Go, C#, Java and Node. Primarily gRPC calls between services.
- Tilt: Avatars: For testing with Tilt - Python backend/SPA frontend