GitBucket is the easily installable Github clone written with Scala.
The current version of GitBucket provides a basic features below:
- Public / Private Git repository (http access only)
- Repository viewer (some advanced features such as online file editing are not implemented)
- Repository search (Code and Issues)
- Wiki
- Issues
- Fork / Pull request
- Mail notification
- Activity timeline
- User management (for Administrators)
- Group (like Organization in Github)
- LDAP integration
- Gravatar support
Following features are not implemented, but we will make them in the future release!
- File editing in repository viewer
- Comment for the changeset
- Network graph
- Statistics
- Watch / Star
If you want to try the development version of GitBucket, see the documentation for developers at Wiki.
- Download latest gitbucket.war from the release page.
- Deploy it to the Servlet 3.0 container such as Tomcat 7.x, Jetty 8.x, GlassFish 3.x or higher.
- Access http://[hostname]:[port]/gitbucket/ using your web browser.
If you are using Gitbucket behind a webserver please make sure you have increased the client_max_body_size (on nignx)
The default administrator account is root and password is root.
or you can start GitBucket by java -jar gitbucket.war
without servlet container. In this case, GitBucket URL is http://[hostname]:8080/. You can specify following options.
- --port=[NUMBER]
- --prefix=[CONTEXTPATH]
- --host=[HOSTNAME]
- --gitbucket.home=[DATA_DIR]
To upgrade GitBucket, only replace gitbucket.war. All GitBucket data is stored in HOME/.gitbucket. So if you want to back up GitBucket data, copy this directory to the other disk.
For Installation on Windows Server with IIS see this wiki page
$ brew install gitbucket
==> Downloading
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Caveats
Note: When using launchctl the port will be 8080.
To have launchd start gitbucket at login:
ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/gitbucket/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
Then to load gitbucket now:
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.gitbucket.plist
Or, if you don't want/need launchctl, you can just run:
java -jar /usr/local/opt/gitbucket/libexec/gitbucket.war
==> Summary
/usr/local/Cellar/gitbucket/1.10: 3 files, 42M, built in 11 seconds
On OS X, copy the gitbucket.plist file to ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
Run the following commands in Terminal
- start gitbucket:
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/gitbucket.plist
- stop gitbucket:
launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/gitbucket.plist
- SSH repository access is available
- Allow users can create and management their groups
- Git submodule support
- Close issues via commit messages
- Show repository description below the name on repository page
- Fix presentation of the source viewer
- Upgrade to sbt 0.13
- Fix some bugs
- Bug fix
- Base URL for redirection, notification and repository URL box is configurable
- Remove
option because it's possible to substitute in the base url - Headline anchor is available for Markdown contents such as Wiki page
- Improve H2 connectivity
- Label is available for pull requests not only issues
- Delete branch button is added
- Repository icons are updated
- Select lines of source code by URL hash like
in repository viewer - Display reference to issue from others in comment list
- Fix some bugs
- Rename repository
- Transfer repository owner
- Change default data directory to
to avoid problem like #243, but if data directory already exist at HOME/gitbucket, it continues being used. - Add LDAP display name attribute
- Response performance improvement
- Fix some bugs
- Display GITBUCKET_HOME on the system settings page
- Fix some bugs
- Add user and group deletion
- Improve pull request performance
- Pull request synchronization (when source repository is updated after pull request, it's applied to the pull request)
- LDAP StartTLS support
- Enable hard wrapping in Markdown
- Add new some options to specify the data directory. See details in Wiki.
- Fix some bugs
- Support working on Java6 in embedded Jetty mode
- Add
option to bind specified host name in embedded Jetty mode - Add
option to force https scheme when using embedded Jetty mode at the back of https proxy - Add full name as user property
- Change link color for absent Wiki pages
- Add ZIP download button to the repository viewer tab
- Improve ZIP exporting performance
- Expand issue and comment textarea for long text automatically
- Add conflict detection in Wiki
- Add reverting wiki page from history
- Match committer to user name by email address
- Mail notification sender is customizable
- Add link to changeset in refs comment for issues
- Fix some bugs
- Web hook
- Performance improvement for pull request
- Executable war file
- Specify suitable Content-Type for downloaded files in the repository viewer
- Fix some bugs
- Fork and pull request
- LDAP authentication
- Mail notification
- Add an option to turn off the gravatar support
- Add the branch tab in the repository viewer
- Encoding auto detection for the file content in the repository viewer
- Add favicon, header logo and icons for the timeline
- Specify data directory via environment variable GITBUCKET_HOME
- Fix some bugs
- Group management
- Repository search for code and issues
- Display user related issues on the dashboard
- Display participants avatar of issues on the issue page
- Performance improvement for repository viewer
- Alert by milestone due date
- H2 database administration console
- Fix some bugs
- Batch updating for issues
- Display assigned user on issue list
- User icon and Gravatar support
- Convert @xxxx to link to the account page
- Add copy to clipboard button for git clone URL
- Allow multi-byte characters as wiki page name
- Allow to create the empty repository
- Fix some bugs
- Add activity timeline
- Bugfix for Git or later
- Allow multi-byte characters as label
- Fix some bugs
- Fix some bugs
- Upgrade to JGit 3.0
- This is a first public release