
Instant stats for your fantasy football league.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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Instant stats for any fantasy football league.

PyPi Version
Last Commit
End-to-end Tests Unit Tests Formatting Check

Table of Contents


This library allows you to take data from an existing fantasy football league and get instant stats from that league into either a Python script or an Excel spreadsheet.

This library supports multiple fantasy sites AND manual league data input.

Python stats will be stored in these objects:

Excel sheets will include:

  • A tab for each year with team stats
  • A tab for each year with matchup info
  • A tab for all-time with team stats
  • A tab for all-time with matchup info
  • A tab for all-time with owner stats

The main idea behind this library is:

  1. Load stats into a League object
  2. Pass this League object into various library methods to extract stats

For guides on how to use this library, see the information under Supported League Loaders and in the example folder.

Quickstart Guide

1. Download Python

  • Download the latest supported version of Python here.
  • Currently, Python version 3.10+ is supported

2. Create a basic Python file to use this library

  • Create a file that ends in the extension ".py"
    • Example: my_script.py

3. Download this library

  • Navigate in your terminal to the directory where you created your Python script in Step 2
  • Run the command pip install leeger
    • If you do not have pip installed, you will need to install it

4. Download your league data using a league loader

  • Find the site/s you use for fantasy football here
  • Follow the Setup Documentation
  • Once you have everything you need for your selected site/s, use the code examples found here for your specific site/s to download your league data
    • You can put the code inside the Python script you created in Step 2
  • If you have leagues that are continued in multiple sites, you can pull from multiple sites and add the League objects together to combine the different sites
    • An example of this can be found here

5. Run your script

  • Navigate in your terminal to the directory where you created your Python script in Step 2
  • Run the command py my_script.py
    • Replace my_script.py with whatever you named your script in Step 2

6. Load your league stats into Excel

  • Slightly alter your script from Step 2 to include a function call to load your league stats into Excel
  • Follow this example
  • Make sure that you are passing the League object that you pulled from the league loader/s into the function call to put your stats into Excel


Question: I'm getting this error when I run my script:

TypeError: dataclass() got an unexpected keyword argument 'kw_only'

Answer: This error occurs when the Python version you are using is not 3.10 or greater.
Make sure you are using Python version 3.10 or a newer version.

Q: How do I use this library to pull stats from my online fantasy league?


  1. Find your fantasy site here and ensure you have everything you need for the site you are using
  2. Follow the example code snippets for your fantasy site to load the League object

Q: How can I get stats into Excel once I have my League object?

A: Follow this example code.

Q: Can I combine years from different fantasy sites that are loaded as separate League objects into a single League object?

A: Yes, the League object supports addition (+) to combine multiple league objects.
An example of this can be found here.

Q: Can I disable validation on my League object?

A: Yes. While it is not recommended that you disable this, as validation ensures the stats are calculated properly, disabling validation can be done by passing validate=False into any method that takes a League object OR any loadLeague() method from a League Loader.


Use the package manager pip to install.

pip install leeger

Supported League Loaders

Sites that you can automatically load your league data from.

Name Website Supported Setup Documentation
ESPN https://www.espn.com/fantasy/football/ ✔️ ESPN 📄
Fleaflicker https://www.fleaflicker.com/ ✔️ Fleaflicker 📄
MyFantasyLeague http://home.myfantasyleague.com/ ✔️ MyFantasyLeague 📄
NFL https://fantasy.nfl.com/
Sleeper https://sleeper.com/fantasy-football/ ✔️ Sleeper 📄
Yahoo https://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/ ✔️ Yahoo 📄

If a fantasy site you use is not listed here and you would like it to be, please open an issue.

Stats Explained

Stats used in this library are documented here.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Run these commands from the root folder

  • Format Code: ./main fmt
  • Run Unit Tests: ./main test
  • Generate Coverage Report: ./main cov

Running Tests

Run the following command from the root folder:



