
Helper Sprinkle for UserFrosting Datatables Sprinkle

Primary LanguagePHP


Helper Sprinkle for UserFrosting

This version only works with UserFrosting 4.1.x !

Install the following UserFrosting Sprinkles as submodules in you app/sprinkles directory

  • git submodule add -b master git@github.com:ssnukala/ufsprinkle-datatables Datatables
  • git submodule add -b master git@github.com:ssnukala/ufsprinkle-sevak Sevak



in your sprinkles.json

Run composer update then php bakery bake to install the sprinkle assets

Go to


You will see the Datatables in action.

The following are some key directories for implementing datatables

  • Sevak/src/Sprunje - Sprunje to return data
  • Sevak/src/Controller/datatables/ - Contains the controllers for the Datatable formats
  • Sevak/schema/datatable - Contains the .yaml file with datatable column Specifications
  • Sevak/templates/pages/ - sample of the dashboard that brings the datatables to life
  • Sevak/templates/tables/formatters/ - contains the column formatter HTML (uses row.<field_name> as a convention - this will be replaced by the actual value