Pyduino WebAPI

A basic Flask web project displaying the status of a Arduino device.


Currently we need to support two type of components:

  • Relays
  • Sensors

These are accessed via a web API. Depending on how you start this app, here are some of the URL endpoints that are available on port 8000:

  • GET - /
  • GET - /<element_type>/<element_id>
  • GET - /data/<element_type>/
  • GET - /data/<element_type>/<id>
  • GET - /turnon To turn on an LED
  • GET - /turnoff To turn off an LED

Please see the code for full details on interacting with these endpoints.

Current Project Status

Here is a list of some of the tasks that have been done and are in progress for the project.

  • Arduino board is instantiated using a yml field (you can see example in project root dir): Done
  • Show each component status: Done using random.randint() ;)
  • Write adapter class for each component type: pending
  • Write basic web forms to switch relays: pending


Jump in and open a pull request on github! :)


Here are the steps to get started with development of this project.


  1. python3 -m venv .venv To create your virtual environment
  • Note that this is a one-time step! You only need to do this in the very beginning of the project.
  1. source .venv/bin/activate To start the virtual environment
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt To install the project dependencies

Running the project


Running tests

There are unit tests in this project to ensure that bugs don't creep in as we do development. To run the test simply....