Dubbo Spring Boot Project makes it easy to create Spring Boot application using Dubbo as RPC Framework. What's more , it aslo provides production-ready features (e.g.security, health checks, externalized configuration).
Dubbo |ˈdʌbəʊ| is a high-performance, java based RPC framework open-sourced by Alibaba. As in many RPC systems, dubbo is based around the idea of defining a service, specifying the methods that can be called remotely with their parameters and return types. On the server side, the server implements this interface and runs a dubbo server to handle client calls. On the client side, the client has a stub that provides the same methods as the server.
If you don't know about Dubbo , please take a few minutes to learn http://dubbo.io/ . After that you could dive deep into dubbo user guide.
Important Notes: Work in-process , coming soon...
Having trouble with Dubbo Spring Boot? We’d like to help!
- If you are upgrading, read the release notes for upgrade instructions and "new and noteworthy" features.
- Ask a question - You can join ours google groups , or subscribe Dubbo User Mailling List.
- Report bugs at github.com/dubbo/dubbo-spring-boot-project/issues.
If you want to try out thr lastest features of Dubbo Spring Boot , it can be easily built with the maven wrapper. Your JDK is 1.7 or above.
$ ./mvnw clean install
Important Notes: Work in-process , coming soon...
There are some modules in Dubbo Spring Boot Project , let's take a look at below overview :
The main usage of dubbo-spring-boot-parent is providing dependencies management for other modules.
Since 2.5.7
, Dubbo totally supports Annotation-Driven , core Dubbo's components that are registered and initialized in Spring application context , including exterialized configuration features. However , those features need to trigger in manual configuration , e.g @DubboComponentScan
, @EnableDubboConfig
or @EnableDubbo
dubbo-spring-boot-autoconfigure uses Spring Boot's @EnableAutoConfiguration
which helps core Dubbo's components to be auto-configured by DubboAutoConfiguration
. It reduces code, eliminates XML configuration.
If you used advanced IDE tools , for instance Jetbrains IDEA Ultimate develops Dubbo Spring Boot application, it will popup the tips of Dubbo Configuration Bindings in application.properties
dubbo-spring-boot-actuator provides production-ready features (e.g.security, health checks, externalized configuration).
Important Notes: Work-in-process , coming soon...
dubbo-spring-boot-starter is a standard Spring Boot Starter, which contains dubbo-spring-boot-autoconfigure and dubbo-spring-boot-actuator. It will be imported into your application directly.
The samples project of Dubbo Spring Boot.
Important Notes: Work-in-process , coming soon...