
Alphabetical standard checker for yaml file. This repository is unmaintained and deprecated. I recommend use https://github.com/sspooky13/yaml-standards

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YAML alphabetical checker

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This repository is unmaintained and deprecated. I recommend yaml standards repository

This library helps you to keep YAML files alphabetically sorted.


Works with minimal requirement:

  • PHP 5.6 or higher
  • symfony/console version 3.0
  • symfony/yaml version 3.0
  • sebastian/diff version 1.4


If you prefer using Composer you can easily install with the following command:

composer require --dev sspooky13/yaml-alphabetical-checker

Or alternatively, include a dependency for sspooky13/yaml-alphabetical-checker in your composer.json file. For example:

    "require-dev": {
        "sspooky13/yaml-alphabetical-checker": "~2.0"

Options for run

  • --exclude=text Exclude file contains the text in name. Can be used more times.


For run from command line:

./bin/yaml-alphabetical-checker ./app ./src/path/to/config/file.yml ./src --exclude=serv --exclude=conf

If you need exclude a files from check, you can print command --exclude=NAME how much you want.

or setting for ANT:

<property name="path.yaml-alphabetical-checker" value="./vendor/bin/yaml-alphabetical-checker"/>

<target name="yaml-alphabetical-checker" description="Run yaml alphabetical checker">
        <arg value="./app" />
        <arg value="./src/path/to/config/file.yml" />
        <arg value="./src" />
        <arg value="--exclude=serv" />
        <arg value="--exclude=conf" />

PHPStorm Integration

You can integrate YAML alphabetical checker into PHPStorm by using File Watcher.

  1. Open Settings -> Tools -> File Watchers
  2. Add new -> custom
  3. Give it a name
  4. Select file type: YAML
  5. Program: \vendor\bin\yaml-alphabetical-checker.bat
  6. Arguments: $FilePath$ for check actual opened file or $SourcepathEntry$ for check all source file, etc.

Now, file watcher check YAML files, whether is right alphabetically sorted and will open the console if they have errors

Exit codes

Exit code is built using following bit flags:

0 OK.
1 Some file is unsorted.
2 General error (file is not readable, error with parse yaml file).