
This repository is a PyTorch implementation of our NeurIPS 2022 paper "Debiased, Longitudinal and Coordinated Drug Recommendation through Multi-Visit Clinic Records".

Primary LanguagePython

DrugRec NeurIPS'2022

This repository is a PyTorch implementation of our NeurIPS 2022 paper "Debiased, Longitudinal and Coordinated Drug Recommendation through Multi-Visit Clinic Records".


We recommend installing these key packages with the following command.

pip install torch  # version >= '1.10.1+cu113'
pip install nltk
pip install transformers
pip install scikit-learn==0.24.2
conda install -c conda-forge rdkit
cd ./data/mimic-iii/fariseq && pip install ./

Other packages can generally be installed with pip or conda command.

Data Processing

Step 0: Certificate registration and input preparation

Get the certificate first, and then download the MIMIC-III and MIMIC-IV datasets.

Get the following input files from https://github.com/ycq091044/SafeDrug and put them in the folder ./data/input/.

  • RXCUI2atc4.csv: NDC-RXCUI-ATC4 mapping
  • rxnorm2RXCUI.txt: NDC-RXCUI mapping
  • drugbank_drugs_info.csv: Drugname-SMILES mapping
  • drug-atc.csv: CID-ATC mapping
  • drug-DDI.csv: DDI information coded by CID

Taking MIMIC-III as an example, its data processing includes the following five steps. All generated files will be placed in the output folder ./data/mimic-iii/output/.

Step 1: Load the data and merge the original tables.

After downloading the raw dataset, put these required files in the folder path: ./data/mimic-iii/.

  • DIAGNOSES_ICD.csv, PROCEDURES_ICD.csv, PRESCRIPTIONS.csv (diagnosis, procedure, prescription information)
  • D_ICD_DIAGNOSES.csv, D_ICD_PROCEDURES.csv (dictionary tables for diagnosis and procedure)
  • NOTEEVENTS.csv, ADMISSIONS.csv (used for symptom extraction)

Run processing_iii.py to generate data_iii_sym0.pkl, the merged data frame without symptom information.

cd ./data/mimic-iii/
python processing_iii.py

Step 2: Symptom extraction

Run sym_tagger_iii.py to generate data_iii_sym1_mulvisit.pkl by extracting symptom information from clinical notes and admission tables, and removing the patients with only a single visit or no symptom.

python sym_tagger_iii.py

Step 3: Tokenization for symptom, diagnosis, procedure, and medication

We employ the Clinical BERT (https://github.com/EmilyAlsentzer/clinicalBERT) to tokenize the text of symptoms, diagnoses, and procedures by running input_ids_sdp_iii.py.

We employ a roberta-large based pre-trained model (https://github.com/microsoft/DVMP, checkpoints need to be registered by their authors) to tokenize SMILES strings of medications and encode them by running input_smiles_iii.py.

python input_ids_sdp_iii.py
python input_smiles_iii.py

Step 4: Additional symptom information

Run sym_info_iii.py to generate additional symptom information used for the input of model training and inference.

python sym_info_iii.py

Step 5: Generate multi-visit records and DDI adjacency matrix

Generate records_final_iii.pkl and ddi_A_iii.pkl by running gen_records_ddi.py.

python gen_records_ddi.py

Model Training and Inference

Here is the key argument:

usage: main.py [--Test] [--model_name MODEL_NAME]
               [--resume_path RESUME_PATH] [--lr LR]
               [--target_ddi TARGET_DDI] [--kp KP] [--dim DIM]
               [--CI] [--multivisit]

optional arguments:
  --Test                test mode
  --model_name MODEL_NAME
                        model name
  --resume_path RESUME_PATH
                        resume path
  --lr LR               learning rate
  --target_ddi TARGET_DDI
                        target ddi
  --kp KP               coefficient of P signal
  --dim DIM             dimension
  --CI                  causal inference (ATE) loss
  --mulitivisit         multi visit or single visit

To train a DrugRec model from scratch, run the following command.

python main.py --model_name [YOUR_MODEL_NAME]

To evaluate an existing DrugRec model, you can place the model to the corresponding resume_path and run the following command.

python main.py --Test --model_name [YOUR_MODEL_NAME] --resume_path [YOUR_RESUME_PATH]


title={Debiased, Longitudinal and Coordinated Drug Recommendation through Multi-Visit Clinic Records},
author={Sun, Hongda and Xie, Shufang and Li, Shuqi and Chen, Yuhan and Wen, Ji-Rong and Yan, Rui},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},

Feel free to contact me sunhongda98@ruc.edu.cn for any question.

Partial credit to previous reprostories: