
A PowerBI dashboard to analyze raw sales data from a multinational pharmaceutical manufacturing company and get insights into the performance of the sales team, customers, and distributors.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Open In Power Bi

Pharmaceutical Sales Analysis

In this ‘Data Analysis’ project, we’ll analyze a global Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company's raw sales data and draw meaningful insights.


⚡PowerBI Desktop
⚡PowerQuery Editor [For data-transformation/data-modeling]
⚡PowerBI Service [For making the report accessible on the web without PowerBI login]
⚡Multipage fully Interactive Report [For drawing insights and analysis]

Table of Contents


  • Datamatrix-ml Pharmaceuticals is one of the leading Pharmaceutical Manufacturing companies with a global presence.
  • Their Markets are divided into different regions across the world. One of those regions manages the German and Poland Markets.
  • Company does not sell directly to customers. Instead, they work with a couple of Distributors in all their regions.
  • They have an agreement with each distributor to share their Sales Data. This is to enable them to gain insights up to the retail level. This data is made available to them in CSV format.


The firm has asked us to perform in-depth data analysis to get insight into company sales performance. Specifically, below are the essential requirements to be satisfied…

Requirement ID For Whom Requirement Description
DM-DA01-REQ-1 Executive Committee A high-level overview showing company’s overall sales performance by yearbymonth,bycustomer cities,bychannel,bysub-channel .Should be able to quickly see top drug class by sales, top drug by sales, top customer city by sales`
DM-DA01-REQ-2 Sales Manager/Sales Rep A detailed overview showing sales by distributors and product, top 5 product, customer and cities, sales numbers split by channels and sub-channels.
DM-DA01-REQ-3 Head of Sales A detailed report of sales by sales-team split by product and sales by sales-team split by product class.
A detailed analysis showing Top sales managers, Top sales reps, Top product split by sales team contributions answering.
An ability to filter/slice data by year and months.

Table-1 : Requirements


The dataset is sourced from each distributor. It contains Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company’s, Wholesale-Retail Data. The field description of the raw data is given below. The raw dataset pharma-data.csv can be downloaded from here

Field Description
Distributor Name of Wholesaler
Customer Name Name of customer
City Customer's city
Country Customer's country
Latitude Customer's Geo Latitude
Longitude Customer's Geo Longitude
Channel Class of buyer (Hospital, Pharmacy)
Sub-channel Sector of the buyer (Government, Private, etc.)
Product Name Name of Drug
Product Class Class of Drug (Antibiotics, etc.)
Quantity Quantity purchased
Price Price product was sold for
Sales Amount made from sale
Month Month sale was made
Year Year sale was made
Name of Sales Rep Name of the Sales rep who facilitated the sale
Manager Sales rep's Manager Name
Sales Team Sale rep's team
Table-2 : Data Definition

Solution Approach

Requirement ID Solution ID Proposed Solution
DM-DA01-REQ-1 DM-DA01-SOL-1 An Executive Summary PowerBI dashboard/report page will be built to show a high-level overview of sales data in interactive visuals per the requirements. A year filter will be provided to filter the data by a particular or combination of years
DM-DA01-REQ-2 DM-DA01-SOL-2 A Distributor & Customer Analysis PowerBI dashboard/report page will be provided with interactive visuals showing data as per the requirement
DM-DA01-REQ-3 DM-DA01-SOL-3 A Sales Team Performance PowerBI dashboard/report page will be provided with interactive visuals showing data as per the requirement. year and month slicers will be provided to slice/filter data by year and/or months

Table-3 : Proposed Solution

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) [pandas]

To understand, be familiar with and check the sanity of the given data, the first step is EDA. This project's initial data exploration has been carried out using the pandas python package. Here, in general, we are checking...

  • Presence of any missing values
  • Any unusual value (outliers)
  • Incorrect values (e.g., sales column, we see -ve numbers)
  • Determine categorical and numeric columns
  • Determine dimensions of categorical columns and range of numeric columns Note that these steps can be performed using PowerQuery Editor and/or excel; however, pandas makes it much easier and faster; on top of that, pandas can handle massive datasets.

EDA steps can be found in the data-exploration.ipynb notebook.

Data Cleaning and Transform [PowerQuery Editor]

The provided dataset was relatively clean and well organized; hence only a little work was required in this step; the following steps were carried out...

  • Correct column heading provided
  • Correct data type is assigned to columns

Data Model Creation [PowerBI Desktop]

  • The provided data is in a single table format. The exploration revealed that it contains both categorical (dimensions) and numeric (facts) data.
  • We build a data model where dimensions and facts are separated, then they are linked together by logical relationship to form a star schema. The resultant data model is shown below...

The tables with the prefix DIM are dimension tables, and FACT is the fact table.

Report Creation [PowerBI Desktop]

Three interactive reports/dashboards (report pages) will be created to implement the proposed solution. Refer to Table-3: Proposed Solution for detailed requirements and the corresponding proposed solution.

1. Executive Summary Report [DM-DA01-SOL-1]

This high-level report shows the overall sales figures and elements at a glance.

2. Distributor & Customer Analysis Report [DM-DA01-SOL-2]

This more granular detailed report analyses data from the company distributors' and customers' perspectives. Sales by the distributor can be drilled down to specific product levels.

3. Sales Team Performance Report [DM-DA01-SOL-3]

This is another detailed report that analyses the performance of the company's sales team. Sales by the sales team can be drilled down to product class and specific product levels.

How To Use

Read-only direct access via the web (Recommended)

Open In Power Bi
Explore the fully functional report with native PowerBI interactive experience.

Full access via PowerBI desktop

If you have PowerBI desktop installed, download the pharma-analysis.pbix from the repo and open it using PowerBI desktop. There is no need to download the raw dataset; the pbix files contain the complete normalized data model, feel free to modify and experiment with it.


MIT License

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