
This is Only landing web site for Django.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is ONLY landing web site for Django(python).
You can make a web site based on the method of lean startup.
Django-landing will also work on heroku(Of course on local).
This project consists Python 2.7.x, Django 1.5.1 and TwitterBootstrap 2.3.1.

How to use

1. Download Zip

Download django-landing zip files and unzip.

2. Create virtual environment for python

Next is Change directory to unzipped directory. And create virtualenv setting by CLI.
$ > virtualenv venv --distribute
Change to virtual environment of python.
$ > source venv/bin/activate
Check the command line is starting from character (venv).
(venv) $ >

3. Install requirements.txt

Before you work project on local machine, you must install some modules in requirements.txt by pip.
(venv) $ > pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Test run

If you run django-landing project on local machine, comment out database setting in settings.py.

    #import dj_database_url  
    #DATABASES['default'] =  dj_database_url.config()  

,and create local database.
(venv) $ > python manage.py syncdb

So you can run on local machine by
(venv) $ > python manage.py runserver
And see django-landing localhost:8000.

If you made heroku environment, you can also run django-landing by foreman.
(venv) $ > foreman start

5. Work on Heroku

If you want to work django-landing project on heroku, you have to make heroku account.
Install heroku toolbelt, and login.Getting Started with Heroku
After procedure is usual.Store app in Git,Deploy to heroku etc.