
ElixirHand-eCommerce is an open-source ongoing e-Commerce .NET 6 and Angular 15 project based on Angular, Bootstrap, SASS, TypeScript, and ASP.NET Core WEB API.

Primary LanguageC#

ElixirHand .NET 6 and Angular 15

ElixirHand-eCommerce is an open-source ongoing e-Commerce project based on Angular, Bootstrap, SASS, TypeScript, and ASP.NET Core WEB API.

Recent Update

It has been updated to .NET 6 from ASP.NET Core 3.1 and we have switched the databases from Sqlite to PostgreSQL.

Project Description

This project is built upon restful web api using .NET 6 that access the database using Entity Framework Core. Endpoints are consumed by a angular based Client App and it has e-commerce store features.

Multiple databases are being used including Redis, PostgreSQL, via Docker. ElixirHand is SSL Certified.


There is a docker-compose.yml file exists in the root folder of the project. Once cloned etc, navigate to the project's root folder open terminal and run the following command docker-compose up -d to run PostgreSQL, Redis etc inside the docker container. Make sure docker is installed or you can install PostgreSQL and redis locally. Docker Compose File .


Stripe is used to test payment functionality. You need your own stripe key etc to test the payment functionality. Use stripe key etc in appsettings.json.

How to run the project and test

  • Navigate to API directory and open terminal and type dotnet run. (Make sure .NET 6 runtime and SDK is already installed either locally or on docker)
  • Navigate to ClientApp directory inside the FrontentApp and open terminal and type ng serve command and hit enter (Make sure Angular CLI: 15.2.6, Node: 18.20.2, and NPM: npm 10.5.0) already installed


For backend development we used

  • C#, HTML, SASS, Bootstrap, TypeScript, JavaScript, JSON, SQL
  • ASP.NET CORE APIs, Dependency Injection
  • NodeJs, Node: 18.20.2
  • NPM: npm 10.5.0
  • Angular framework => Angular CLI: 15.2.6
  • Web APIs
  • PostgreSQL, Redis Database
  • Entity framework core
  • Identity for login and registration
  • Automapper
  • Lazy Loading
  • Angular Reactive forms
  • Paging, Sorting, Searching and Filtering
  • Redis to store the shopping cart
  • Orders from shopping cart
  • Payments Handling via Stripe (new EU standards and 3D secure)
  • An much more