
Question: Installation on linux distribution using tar file

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I am sitting behind corporate proxy. I can use helm plugin install command, give it the git hub url and install it on my local machine. But I can't install plugins using helm plugin install command in docker images. Because images get built on (Jenkins boxes that cannot talk to internet) and published on internal artifactory/nexus. So I have to upload the tar file from your release page into artifactory and then use curl it in Dockerfile.


  1. When I use helm plugin install in local machine it gets the whole source code and binaries in the HELM_HOME/.cache/helm/plugins. And creates a symlink in HELM_HOME/.local/share/helm/plugins. Next command helm plugin list works fine.

  2. When I download the tar.gz file and untar it into HELM_HOME/.local/share/helm/plugins in Dockerfile. Next command helm plugin list skips listing this helm release plugin. However it lists all other plugins. And the installation for all other plugins follow the same pattern(Download tar -> untar in HELM_HOME.local/share/helm/plugins -> list the plugin using helm plugin list command).

Doe you see anything wrong in there.

I have attached the snapshot below -

helm plugin issue

 curl -kLO \
    && mkdir -p ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/helm/plugins \
    && helm-release_0.3.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz -C ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/helm/plugins \
    && chmod 777 ${HELM_HOME} \
    && rm -rf *.tar.gz \
    && helm plugin list 

I have not tried this method. Maybe for the second stop try untaring it into the cache directory and creating a symlink.

I am going to try that now

No luck!! with symlink

helm plugin issue2

I'll try your install method this weekend and see what I can find out. Let me know if you have any luck finding out why it's not working like the other plugins.

I wounder if helm plugin list would need anything else to read the metadata about the plugin. The only difference I can see between helm-release and others(helm-diff, helm-git) where all of these were installed using the tar file.

Others - have got all the src code with binary

helm plugin issue 3

helm-release - have got just the binary

helm plugin issue 4

Even when you install helm-release using helm plugin install command in local. It copies all the src code and binary. That works fine.
Not sure if could be the reason.

try tossing the plugin.yaml into othe same direcctory

this work fine. Just one thing I noticed - when I updated the plugin to 0.3.3 . It still show 0.3.2 in helm plugin list command. I checked that this has got latest flag which you added but still shows 0.3.2.

hlem plugin works

Thanks, the plugin.yaml is not setup in my release process yet and I forgot to bump the version. You should be good to go now.