- 0
No prebuild binary for darwin-arm64
#31 opened by jadiaheno - 2
- 1
Helm release unable to process image.tag
#29 opened by binnythomas-po - 1
Documentation missing -s option
#28 opened - 3
Question - versioning during release
#27 opened by Galileo1 - 9
- 5
- 1
Question: how to use this tool practically
#14 opened by ryan-dyer-sp - 2
Support values.yaml in different path
#16 opened by gopisaba - 4
Problem installing version 0.2.2 for Helm v2
#17 opened by mehdicopter - 3
- 4
Helm 3 support release
#15 opened by galindro - 11
Versioning Control
#6 opened by brunohms - 2
helm3 unable to install
#11 opened by jurgenweber - 3
Question: are subcharts supported?
#8 opened by GianniGiglio - 1
Private URL for GitHub in dependency file
#4 opened by mrothroc - 2
Flag to print version.
#2 opened by jeff-french