
droguedrums is a text file based drum sequencer for the command line.

Primary LanguageGoISC LicenseISC


droguedrums is a text file based drum sequencer for the command line.

It reads a definition of drum sets, parts and sequences from a text file and plays it back as midi. No sounds are provided. Development is done with the following workflow in mind:

  • define rhythmical patterns using a simple text file
  • feed midi data to a hardware drum synthesizer
  • process and record the audio from hardware

There is a single input file containing definitions for drum kits, parts and sequences. The file is specified at the command line.


For the easiest possible start just download the source and one of the precompiled binaries and run one of the contained example files:

$ ./droguedrums testfiles/beat1.yml


Choose a download from Releases and unzip.

Requirements for running

Requirements for running the binary:

  • portmidi library
    • OSX: brew install portmidi (not needed if compiled with coremidi, which is the default)
    • Ubuntu: apt-get install libportmidi0

Requirements for building from source

  1. libportmidi headers

    • OSX: brew install portmidi (not needed if you compile with coremidi)
    • Ubuntu: apt-get install libportmidi-dev
  2. The go programming language: https://golang.org/

  3. (if not using coremidi, mandatory on Linux) libportmidi bindings for go (https://github.com/rakyll/portmidi): go get github.com/rakyll/portmidi

    Unfortunately the current versions of the Ubuntu (v200) and Debian (v184) libportmidi packages do not link properly with the portmidi go bindings, which could make this step fail. See below for a workaround.

  4. (OSX only, optional) coremidi bindings for go (https://github.com/youpy/go-coremidi): go get github.com/youpy/go-coremidi

  5. run make

  6. (OSX only, optional) run make MIDILIB=coremidi to use coremidi directly, which is recommended on OSX.

  7. (optional) run make install or copy the binary to a convenient place yourself.

Workaround for libportmidi on Debian/Ubuntu

On Ubuntu (and probably on Debian) you will see the following error when running "go get" for the portmidi bindings:

> go get github.com/rakyll/portmidi
# github.com/rakyll/portmidi
/usr/bin/ld: $WORK/github.com/rakyll/portmidi/_obj/portmidi.cgo2.o: undefined reference to symbol 'Pt_Start'
//usr/lib/libporttime.so.0: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

This is because Ubuntu 16.04 does not provide the current (6 years old!) version of libportmidi (217). A bug report has been filed already.

You can work around that by editing the source code of the go bindings after the error message above. Load the following two files in your editor:

  • $GOPATH/src/github.com/rakyll/portmidi/portmidi.go
  • $GOPATH/src/github.com/rakyll/portmidi/stream.go

and change the line that reads

  // #cgo LDFLAGS: -lportmidi

to this:

  // #cgo LDFLAGS: -lportmidi -lporttime

After this little change you can run go get github.com/rakyll/portmidi again and it will use your changed copy of the source code to compile, now sucessfully, the package.


Start the program like this:

$ droguedrums myfile.yml
droguedrums 0.9 (built 2016-08-26T13:16:29+0200)
midi outputs found:
0: "CoreMIDI/FluidSynth virtual port (45160)" <default>
1: "CoreMIDI/FluidSynth virtual port (45253)"
input file: myfile.yml
-- player starting --
1 sets, 6 parts, 1 seqs
> demo1 (160/8)

It will try to choose a working midi out port. But it will also list all it found so you can choose a specific one using the -port parameter:

$ droguedrums -port 1 myfile.yml
droguedrums 0.9 (built 2016-08-26T13:16:29+0200)
midi outputs found:
0: "CoreMIDI/FluidSynth virtual port (45160)" <default>
1: "CoreMIDI/FluidSynth virtual port (45253)" <selected>
input file: myfile.yml
-- player starting --
1 sets, 6 parts, 1 seqs
> demo1 (160/8)

While it is running you can tell the program to re-read its input file by sending it SIGUSR1, e. g. like this:

$ killall -USR1 droguedrums

It will play the new file after the current sequence has finished.

To stop the program press Ctrl-C.

The YAML file format seems like a good compromise between easy machine readability and human editing. For this reason, but also for ease of development (making a program read yaml is simple), YAML was chosen as the input file format for drougedrums.

The following paragraphs will give an overview of what things you can put into a droguedrums input file. See the full example files provided with the download for some possibilities.

In the examples section of this web site you will find fully working files linked from the individual examples.

Input file sections


A set maps arbitrary keys to midi channels and note numbers. Each part has a specific drumset associated with it. The keys are used later in the parts as a reference to a specific note to be played.

In the examples two-character keys are used throughout, just to make the formatting concise. You can, however use any number of characters for note keys. Also the pause symbol "--" is completely arbitrary and can be changed to your liking.


    - name: default
          - {key: --, channel:  5, note:  0} # pause
          - {key: bd, channel:  5, note:  1} # bass drum
          - {key: hc, channel:  5, note:  2} # high hat closed
          - {key: sd, channel:  5, note:  5} # snare drum


Parts are the basic elements for building patterns. They provide lanes, the main building blocks. Each part has its own bpm value, step size and drumset. Patterns are defined in an arbitrary number of lanes, using the keys from the drum set defined earlier.

Bpm defines how many 4th note are in one minute for this pattern. You can also write a bpm value like "120-150", which will make the bpm rate go from 120 to 150 gradually over the duration of the part.

Step defines the duration of events in a lane. This could be 8 for saying the lane contains 8th notes or 16th, 32th and so on. Technically you could also give values like 3 or 7.

The length of the first lane defines the length of the pattern. If you have many lanes, all other lanes must be the same length or shorter than the first one.


    - name: countin
      bpm: 100
      step: 4
          - hc hc hc hc

    - name: part1
      bpm: 100
      step: 16
          - hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc
          - bd -- -- -- -- -- bd -- -- -- bd -- -- -- bd --
          - -- sd -- -- sd sd -- -- -- sd -- -- -- sd -- sd


Seqs are playlists of parts. They can define whole projects or simply play back some parts in a loop.

There are some reserved seq names:

  • start: This is always the first sequence played.
  • precount: This will be played only once at the beginning, before the start seq.

You can refer to other seqs by using their name as a part name prefixed by a ":".


    - name: precount
          - countin
    - name: end
          - end1
          - end2
    - name: start
          - part1
          - part2
          - part3
          - :end

Part FX

Parts can have an fx section that will modify the events in the part. To use multiple effects you write them as a list like this:

fx: [rampv: 23-85, randv: 22]


Usage: fx: [randv: <randomness>]

Random velocity. Will make the velocity values of the events vary randomly by randomness steps up or down. The velocity range is limited by midi and goes from 0 to 127. Will be applied after rampv.


Usage: fx: [rampv: <start>-<end>]

Ramp velocity. Will make the velocity go from start to end over the whole part. Useful for crescendo or diminuendo, but also for limiting velocity.


A figure is a short pattern that can be played like a normal note. Just instead it will play the defined pattern. Figures let you add micro beats, dead notes, grace notes, triplet feels or subliminal timings in general.

The name of a figure will be used to refer to it in the lanes of a part, prefixed by a "+". The key defines which key from the set it will play. The pattern is a sequence of "." or "x" signs, . denoting a pause and x denoting a trigger of the chosen key. All events in the pattern (beats and pauses) are timed such that the first one happens at the beat and the remaining ones are equally spaced until the next beat. This means a figure always has the same length in time, but since you can place as many micro events in it as you like, their spacing will change accordingly to fit into that single beat.

For instance, to get a very short grace note you could define a figure pattern like ".....x" and place it just one beat before the actual beat. The "x" will play very shortly before.


    # some triplet patterns
    - {name: f1, key: fl, velocity:  65, pattern: .xx}
    - {name: f2, key: ce, velocity: 100, pattern: ..x}

    - name: part1
      bpm: 120
      step: 8
        - +f2 ce +f2 ce

See testfiles/beat8.yml for a more elaborate example.

Alternating figures

In a figure you can specify alternative values for the "key" parameter. "|" is used as the separation character. Each time the figure is used, another alternative will be randomly chosen from the given ones. This can enrich the beat a lot if used sensibly.


    - {name: f3, key: fl|ce|cb, velocity: 80, pattern: x}


Genlanes are lanes with algorithmically generated events. Parts can have a genlanes section in addition to normal lanes, or even genlanes only.


Usage: - equid {note: <key>, length: 16, dist: 1, start: 1}

Generates equidistant events starting at start, with distance dist.


- equid {note: hc, length 8, dist: 1, start: 1}
- equid {note: sd, length 8, dist: 2, start: 4}

will generate two lanes as if manually written like this:

- hc hc hc hc hc hc hc hc
- -- -- -- sd -- sd -- sd


Usage: - sinez {note: <key>, length: 32, period: 1.0, xshift: 0.0, yshift: 0.0}

Projects a sine wave onto a lane of length events. Events are generated at zero crossings of the sine through the lane.

With the default period of 1.0, the period of the sine is exactly the length of the lane. A smaller period value than 1 will shrink the wave, a higher value will stretch it. You could think of the period value as wave length in relation to lane length. Period values close to or over 2 will give you no events. With xshift you can move the sine by time, while a shift value of 1 or -1 means shift by one event. With yshift you can move the sine up or down by up to -1 or 1. Higher or lower values do not make sense, as the sine will not have any zero crossings with the lane then.

The sinez function can be seen as a not-quite-random generation of events. Just play around to find combinations of values that you find musical. For smaller values of length or higher values of period the result of sinez can be disappointing, since little or no events are generated.

Also, aliasing effects make the result a bit unpredictable, but not less interesting.


- sinez: {note: ag, length: 32, period: 0.1, yshift: 0.9, xshift: 4}

will generate a lane like this:

- -- -- ag ag -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ag ag -- ag ag -- ag ag -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ag ag -- ag


Usage: - place {note: <key>, pos: p1 p2 ...}

Sometimes all you need is place an event at the 15th beat of a bar. This can be tedious if written out manually. With place you can do just that: It will place at the positions p1, p2, ... in the generated lane, filling the rest with pauses. The individual positions (p1, p2, ...) need to be separated by spaces and strictly increasing in the definition.


- place: {note: fl, pos: 1 5 11}

will generate a lane like this:

- fl -- -- -- fl -- -- -- -- -- fl


Usage: - euclid {note: <key>, length: <numlen>, accents: <numacc>, rotation: <rot>}

Uses Björklund's algorithm to generate "euclidean" rhythmical patterns of length with accents. The whole pattern can be shifted by supplying a rotation value .


- euclid: {note: xy, length: 8, accents: 3}

will generate a lane like this (the Cuban "tresillo"):

- xy -- -- xy -- -- xy -


droguedrums has been tested with a Vermona DRM1-MKIII drum synthesizer and fluidsynth. In theory everything that can receive MIDI events can be controlled, but the main focus of the program is rhythms.

Currently no midi note off events are ever sent. With some sounds that can lead to notes playing forever. With percussive sounds this should not be a problem usually.

Program change messages are not implemented, so you have to map notes to different banks or midi channels.



Demo patterns produced with droguedrums. The demo yaml files you can find in the testfiles/ directory of the distribution archive.

beat2.yml (Sound: Vermona DRM1-MKIII)

beat3.yml (Sound: Vermona DRM1-MKIII)

beat4.yml (Sound: Vermona DRM1-MKIII)

beat5.yml (Sound: Vermona DRM1-MKIII)

beat6.yml (Sound: fluidsynth/FluidR3 GM2-2 soundfont)

beat8.yml (Sound: fluidsynth/FluidR3 GM2-2 soundfont)