
RS^3Mamba: 想问一下数据的问题

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你好,这应该是一种普遍情况。因为每个实验室的设备情况不一致,在设置实验的时候,数据集训练-测试集的划分,batch size,总训练次数等,都会影响最佳性能,因此一般都会在文章中声明,本文使用的所有方法,得到的结果来自于同一种实验环境,参数设置。





您好,我对照代码时发现代码里Unetformer结构中的辅助头您没有使用,也就是论文里跑出来的Unetformer结果是没有辅助头的结果,而Unetformer原文是有辅助头结构的,想问一下为什么要去掉辅助头做实验呢,论文里其他对比方法是否也进行了对网络结构的删减呢,我在写实验对比的时候突然发现了这个问题,我不知道如何解释,求解答疑惑,还有数据集选择方面,使用loveda里的urban而不是使用整个loveda是因为为了强调城市里的语义分割吗,因为我看其他论文用整个loveda的比较多,导致写对比实验的时候对loveda urban需要自己做实验跑结果,以上是我的疑惑,希望您能百忙之中抽空解答一下






Excuse me. I'm a newer in remote sensing segmentation, and I feel alittle confuse by your previous explanation.
I am curious about the mIoU of the ISPRS Potsdam dataset because it seems to be one of the most popular datasets. However, I'm sad that I cannot evaluate its accuracy from previous works.E.g., it is reported to be ~86% in UNetformer, while some other papers report only 75+point. Where does such a large difference come from? Could this be explained by fluctuation?
Also, is visualization necessary in the remote sensing community? As we know that in the CV field, numerical descriptions is usually sufficient. And when the public weights are not available, where do the visualization results come from? Do I need to train each model from scratch?
Would you like to give me some suggestion? Thanks a lot.

  1. Due to the late publication of the Potsdam test dataset, the existing methods often adopt different dataset settings, that is, the number of images in the dataset itself. You can confirm this by checking the partitioning of the dataset. Secondly, miou will be affected by various factors such as model hyper-parameter and image input size. Most importantly, there is no authoritative list in the field of remote sensing. Therefore, we generally set up the same hardware and software environment in our own environment to carry out comparative tests. The resulting miou is reliable and credible. In this case, miou is stable, but may fluctuate under 1%.
  2. As mentioned above, there is no authoritative list in the field of remote sensing, but there is in CV. Therefore, we usually conduct our own comparative experiments and get the visualized results in our own environment. Of course, you can choose some open source models to compare so that you don't have to completely reproduce unknown methods. We also feel the torment of not open source in RS, which is the purpose of creating this open source repository. As far as I know, and our repository have opened up many methods at present, and I hope it can help you.

Thanks a lot.

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