Docker container for Ubiquiti Unifi5 Controler
this Docker container based on Ubuntu Trusty runs a Ubiquiti Unifi5 Controler. The Controler is a java app on top of MongoDB
docker build -t tommi2day/unifi5 -f Dockerfile.unifi5 .
see also
# WebUI Inform mongodb STUN
EXPOSE 8443 8080 8880 27117 3478/udp
VOLUME /usr/lib/unifi/data #Unifi config and data dir
VOLUME /backups /logs #logs and backup
Specify the environment variable and a volume for the datafiles when launching a new container, e.g:
docker volume create --name unifi_data
docker run -d \
-v unifi_data:/usr/lib/unifi/data \
-v /shared/unifi5/backups:/backups \
-v /shared/unifi5/logs:/logs \
--hostname unifi5 \
--name unifi5 \
--restart=always \
-p 8080:8080 \
-p 8880:8880 \
-p 8443:8443 \
-p 3478:3478/udp \
-p 27117:27117 \
see for an example
always backup your existing running settings first! stop container, pull new image, restart
docker stop unifi5
docker rm unifi5
docker pull tommi2day/unifi5
docker run .... #see section Run
i prefer to start the first run after update interactive to keep track of the update process and restart normally after sucessfully migration. If something goes wrong (usually within mongodb) you may try to remove the data/db and data/site directory, do a brand new installation and restore the backup file. It should be automatic migrated to the new version
All Addons are in /usr/lib/unifi ####internal start/stop script is a start/stop/status script. the start script calls finally a tail -f server.log to keep the container running ####Backup script There is a cronjob in place calling , which will trigger a logrotate for mongodb and afterwards stop the Controler to tar the unifi data tree to /backups and restart finally. You can start it manually as well.
docker exec -ti unifi5 bash
To return to the console prompt press CTRL-C
####Restore script for restoring a backup call/exec [filename]. filename will be expected in /backups. Without filename the last backup unifi_data.$(date '+%Y%m%d').tar.gz is assumed as default. Sample for the running container:
docker exec -ti unifi5 bash
./ /backups/unifi-backup.tar.gz
This will stop and restart the unifi process. To return to the console prompt press CTRL-C