University of Denver

Class: DU_VIRT_FSF_PT_09_2019_U.O.MW

Program: Full Stack Flex Online Part-Time

09-Portfolio Update


Portfolio Update V.2

In this version, you will find a new and updated layout that is a bit more aesthetically pleasing, informative, that also includes additional functionality.


    • Utilized the Carousel function to provide a quick glimsp at the current projects. When clicked on - each will direct you to the README file for each project.

    • Updated styling and copy detailing work history, skillset, and current workings.
    • Included a link to a current resume.

    • Included click-able company logo's that will take you to directly to the official website for current and previous employers, as well as educational institutions.
    • Included a link to a current resume.

    • A list of click-able projects that will direct the user to the active application/project/game


  1. Pin some GitHub Repos that I want to share.
  2. Employer Ready (e.g., Name, Links to GitHub/SM/LinkedIn, as well as email address & Phone # {see resume})
  3. A link to current resume PDF.
  4. A list of projects (title, link, and link to code).
  5. Design - mobile friendly (responsive).
  6. Employer Competitive (Updated LinkedIn with projects, updated Readme files to include problem, solution and technical approach).
  7. Competitive Design (e.g., Polished).


Demo Site: This link will take you to my customized GitHub pinned repositories
This link will take you to my revised Portfolio


Build Tools

  • AJAX
  • Bootstrap
  • Carousel