
lightly's backend - receipt to text

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0



lightly's backend - receipt to text 📉

OCR can be found in /ocr, database/network controller can be found in /ingress


table of content



  • recommends pipenv for virtualenv, refers to pypa/pipenv for installation
  • python >=3.7
  • built with pytorch


  • build local docker image with [sudo] docker build [--gpus=all] -f [PATH of Dockerfile] -t aar0npham/lightly-ocr:latest ocr
  • to test the images after build do [sudo] docker run -d -p 5000:5000 aar0npham/lightly-ocr:latest
  • refers to @66171c80 for MORAN
  • run bash scripts/download_model.sh to get the pretrained model (included in docker images)
  • to test the model run: python ocr/pipeline.py --img [IM_PATH]
  • to train your own model refers to here. Train loops are located in ocr/train/


  • make sure the repository is up to date with git pull origin master

  • create a new branch BEFORE working with git checkout -b feats-branch_name where feats is the feature you are working on and the branch-name is the directory containing that features.

    e.g: git checkout -b YOLO-ocr means you are working on YOLO inside ocr

  • make your changes as you wish

  • git status to show your changes and then following with git add . to stage your changes

  • commit these changes with git commit -m "describe what you do here"

if you have more than one commit you should rebase/squash small commits into one
  • git status to show the amount of your changes comparing to HEAD:

    Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by n commit. where n is the number of your commit

  • git rebase -i HEAD~n to changes commit, REMEMBER -i

  • Once you enter the interactive shell pick your first commit and squash all the following commits after that

  • after saving and exits edit your commit message once the new windows open describe what you did

  • more information here

  • push these changes with git push origin feats-branch_name, git branch to check which branch you are on
  • then make a pull-request on github!


overview in src as follows:

├── save_models/                 # location for model save
├── notebook/                    # contains playground for testing
├── modules/                     # contains core file for setting up models
├── train/                       # code to train specific model
├── test/                        # contains unit testing file
├── tools/                       # contains tools to generate dataset/image processing etc.
├── Dockerfile                   # Dockerfile for creating container
├── requirements.txt             # contains modules using for import
├── requirements-dev.txt         # contains modules that is not included in the docker container
├── config.yml                   # config.yml
├── convert.py                   # convert model to .onnx file format
├── model.py                     # contains model constructed from `modules`
├── net.py                       # contains detector and recognizer segment of OCR
├── server.py                    # run basic server with `flask`
├── pipeline.py                  # end-to-end OCR
└── torch2onnx.py                # conversion to .onnx (future use with onnx.js) _WIP_


  • improve runtime (concurrency)
  • define type for python function
  • custom ops for torch.nn.functional.grid_sample, refers to this issues. Notes and fixes are in here
  • ingress controller
  • rename state dict
  • → fixes CircleCI config
  • add docstring, fixes too-many-locals
  • updates save weight to google drive (for local testing)
  • complete __init__.py
  • added Dockerfile/CircleCI
  • add unit_test
  • includes training loop (under construction)
  • add unit_test
  • process ICDAR2019 for eval sets in conjunction with MJSynth val data ⇒ reduce biases
  • fixes batch_first for AttentionCell in sequence.py
  • transfer trained weight to fit with the model
  • fix image padding issues with eval.py
  • creates a general dataset and generator function for both reconition model
  • database parsing for training loop
  • FIXME: gradient vanishing when training
  • generates logs for each training session
  • add options for continue training
  • modules incompatible shapes
  • create lmdb as dataset
  • added generator.py to generate lmdb
  • merges valuation_fn into train.py


paper | original implementation

architecture: VGG16-Unet as backbone, with UpConv return region/affinity score

paper | original implementation


  • run ocr/tools/generator.py to create dataset, ocr/train/crnn.py to train the model
  • model is under model.py

architecture: 4 stage CRNN includes: