
codeguru example project for LastaFlute as multi-project (with MySQL)

Primary LanguageJava

LastaFlute Example Maihama

example project for LastaFlute as multi-project (with MySQL)


Quick Trial

Can boot it by example of LastaFlute:

  1. git clone https://github.com/lastaflute/lastaflute-example-maihama.git
  2. prepare MySQL on 3306 port as empty root password or using *system-password.txt
    and execute by *ReplaceSchema at DBFlute client directory 'dbflute_maihamadb'
  3. compile it by Java8, on e.g. Eclipse or IntelliJ or ... as Maven project
  4. execute the *main() method of (org.docksidestage.boot) DocksideBoot
  5. access to http://localhost:8091/dockside
    and login by user 'Pixy' and password 'sea', and can see debug log at console.


 | |-dfprop
 | |  |-...
 | |  |-system-password.txt // make file and write root password if not empty password
 | |-...


// call manage.sh at maihama-dockside/dbflute_maihamadb
// and select replace-schema in displayed menu
...:dbflute_maihamadb ...$ sh manage.sh

*main() method

public class DocksideBoot {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new JettyBoot(8091, "/dockside").asDevelopment().bootAwait();



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