React Router with Amplify Authenticator

This example shows how to implements with Authenticator to provide a role based navigation guard with react-router. This example has 3 pages with different visibilities.

path visibility
/public Any user
/protected Signed in user
/protected/admin Users belong to 'admin' group in Cognito

How to use

1. Deploy Amazon Cognito

Move to cdk directory and run the following commands

npm run cdk bootstrap
npm run cdk deploy

Note CdkStack.OutputUserPool and CdkStack.OutputUserPoolClientId shown in the terminal when succeeded.

2. Create admin user

aws cognito-idp admin-create-user \
    --user-pool-id "us-west-2_piFBtkKuc" \
    --username "admin" \
    --user-attributes Name=email,Value="" Name=email_verified,Value=true \
    --message-action SUPPRESS

Replace with OuutputUserPoolId. You can also confirm this on AWS Management Conaole.

Confirm the password for the above user with the foloowing command.

aws cognito-idp admin-set-user-password \
    --user-pool-id us-west-2_piFBtkKuc \
    --username admin \
    --password Passw0rd! \

Add the user to admin group.

aws cognito-idp admin-add-user-to-group \
    --user-pool-id us-west-2_piFBtkKuc \
    --username admin \
    --group-name admin

3. Run React App

Move to app directory.

cp .env .env.local

Edit .env.local to set Cognito information.


Run locally.

npm i
npm run start

Public Page is available for any users. When click Protected Page link, you are prompted to Sign in. After the atuthentification process, you can see Protected Page. If the user belongs to admin group, Admin link and User link appears. If not, only User link appears.

Clean up

To avoid incurring future charges, clean up the resources you created.

You can remove all the AWS resources deployed by this sample running the following command:

npm run cdk destroy --force


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.