
Genode Goa projects.

Primary LanguageQML

QtQuick/QML/Ubuntu UI toolkit examples


A simple QtQuick test (taken from Qt5) it compiles C++ using Qt5 build
infrastructure (qmake, cmake)


The gallery example taken from Ubuntu UI toolkit. It only contains a packet
recipe and downloads all requirements.


A minimal QML example taken from Ubuntu UI toolkit. It archives the QML code and
contains a packet recipe that launches the application using the Ubuntu UI
toolkits launcher.


A port of the Linphone SDK (https://www.linphone.org/liblinphone-sdk) for
Genode. It enables the use of basic SIP call support. Build and publish the
'linphonec_daemon' that build a front end for the stack and communication
through Genode's Terminal interface using 'termimal_crosslink'


A QML based GUI for the 'linphone-sdk'. It uses the Ubuntu UI toolkit (now
Lomiri). It is based on https://gitlab.com/ubports-linphone/linphone-simple


This is used as a backdrop while loading 'linphone-simple'.


This is a port of https://github.com/dhewm/dhewm3 to Genode. See: doom3/README


The OpenGL 2.0 and ES 2.0 benchmark (https://github.com/glmark2/glmark2) for