To run, "./simulator" A standard python installation should suffice.
Configuration in "input" file. Many different scenarios can be simulated by changing various config parameters. Please note that for IGP-WO, the link weights have to be fed in through the topo file. This simulator does not generate them. I used the excellent Totem toolset by the UCL folks.
Output in data/output/<topo_name>/run/
- where <topo_name> is the specified topology name.
- is the id of the experiment with that topology. starts at 0.
- to check the result of the last run, go to the largest id.
- run directory has dump of topology at each iteration, with
- link loads, utilization, weights, key metrics applied. Note that
- it only stores the info of the slice updated at that iteration. Only
- one slice is updated durin one iteration. The state of all the
- topologies are reflected in the previous n-1 files. It also has a
- dump of the residual traffic in the network during that iteration.
If you have the matplotlib library and would like a nice plot of the evolution of all the link loads, enable the call to 'plot' in The plot will be in data/plots/...
There are 4 main classes, for managing topology, managing the traffic matrix, generating flows, and managing events.
Topo: Structure G stores topology. Stores all slices. Structure L stores link information like capacity, current load, etc. Instantiates routing object for routing flows.
TMC: Generates traffic matrix. Currently implements gravity model and bimodal model.
Flow: Generates and populates flows. Instantiates objects for specific kinds of arrival process, size of flow, etc.
Event: Handles events. Arrival/departure of flows, link updates at iterations. Arrivals are routed and link loads updated. Departures are taken off links. Instantiates specific object for link updates.