
Fork Wishlist

Opened this issue · 5 comments


This issue keeps track for changes devs and community would like to be seen included in a fork.

Suggestion for ConsensusData and Duty Struct Changes

I'd like to suggest some changes to the ConsensusData and Duty structs to improve efficiency and reduce unnecessary data broadcast over the network.

Current ConsensusData struct:

type ConsensusData struct {
    Duty    Duty
    Version spec.DataVersion
    PreConsensusJustifications []*SignedPartialSignatureMessage `ssz-max:"13"`
    DataSSZ []byte `ssz-max:"4194304"`

Proposed Changes:

  1. Split Duty Struct into Specific Duty Types: The current Duty struct is a one-size-fits-all solution that includes fields irrelevant to specific duty types (attest, propose, sync committee contributions). I propose splitting this into separate structs for each duty type, which would allow us to only include relevant fields for each specific duty. This could lead to a reduction in unnecessary data being transmitted and processed.
  • Example Proposed Structs:
    • AttesterDuty
      type AttesterDuty struct {
        PubKey phase0.BLSPubKey
        Slot phase0.Slot
        ValidatorIndex phase0.ValidatorIndex
        CommitteeIndex phase0.CommitteeIndex
        CommitteeLength uint64
        CommitteesAtSlot uint64
        ValidatorCommitteeIndex uint64
    • ProposerDuty
    type ProposerDuty struct {
      PubKey         phase0.BLSPubKey
      Slot           phase0.Slot
      ValidatorIndex phase0.ValidatorIndex
    • SyncCommitteeDuty
    type SyncCommitteeDuty struct {
      PubKey phase0.BLSPubKey
      ValidatorIndex phase0.ValidatorIndex
      ValidatorSyncCommitteeIndices []phase0.CommitteeIndex
  1. Remove Version from ConsensusData: The Version field in the ConsensusData struct is only relevant for proposer duties. Therefore, I suggest removing it from the ConsensusData struct to streamline the data structure.
    We can pass the Version via DataSSZ

Both Version and Duty fields can be omitted.
They can be retrieved without consensus data...

Use SSZ encoding for SignedSSVMessage

SignerID should be taken out of PartialSignatureMessage
MessageID should have the same field types for all runners

Currently we send fullData in proposal justification (RC messages). This just takes up needless space.